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Anna Piasecki's Outputs (30)

Language testing in awake craniotomy for brain tumor resection: A survey of current perioperative practice in the United Kingdom (2025)
Journal Article

Background: Language testing and mapping procedures are considered the gold standard for safe tumor resection and preservation of language and communication in patients with tumors located in an area eloquent for language, especially in the presence... Read More about Language testing in awake craniotomy for brain tumor resection: A survey of current perioperative practice in the United Kingdom.

Bilingual awake craniotomy with English and Polish language mapping in a 15-year-old patient provides evidence for the role of the left superior temporal gyrus in language switching (2024)
Journal Article

The utility of intraoperative mapping in multilingual patients with brain tumours in speech- eloquent locations is evidenced by reports of heterogeneity of the location and number of language areas. Furthermore, preserving the ability to switch betwe... Read More about Bilingual awake craniotomy with English and Polish language mapping in a 15-year-old patient provides evidence for the role of the left superior temporal gyrus in language switching.

Awake craniotomy with English and British Sign Language mapping in a patient with a left temporal glioblastoma reveals discordant speech-sign language maps (2024)
Journal Article

The aim of this case study was to describe differences in English and British Sign Language (BSL) communication caused by a left temporal tumour resulting in discordant presentation of symptoms, intraoperative stimulation mapping during awake craniot... Read More about Awake craniotomy with English and British Sign Language mapping in a patient with a left temporal glioblastoma reveals discordant speech-sign language maps.

Discourse-pragmatic markers, fillers and filled pauses: Pragmatic, cognitive, multimodal and sociolinguistic perspectives (2022)
Journal Article

Despite being the object of considerable research effort over several decades, the status and function of discourse-pragmatic markers (DPMs), fillers and filled pause (FPs) continue to be at the forefront of an expanding field of scholarly debate.... Read More about Discourse-pragmatic markers, fillers and filled pauses: Pragmatic, cognitive, multimodal and sociolinguistic perspectives.

The effect of language-specific characteristics on English and Japanese speakers' ability to recall number information (2020)
Journal Article

The current paper presents two experiments investigating the effect of presence versus absence of compulsory number marking in a native language on a speaker’s ability to recall number information from photos. In Experiment 1, monolingual English and... Read More about The effect of language-specific characteristics on English and Japanese speakers' ability to recall number information.

The effect of a bilingual learning mode on the establishment of lexical semantic representations in the L2 (2014)
Journal Article

Deliberate vocabulary learning is common in the L2, however, questions remain about most efficient and effective forms of this learning approach. Bilingual models of L2 word learning and processing can be used to make predictions about outcomes of le... Read More about The effect of a bilingual learning mode on the establishment of lexical semantic representations in the L2.