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Neil Sutherland's Outputs (14)

Dynamic Conversations: Do parasocial relationships in online learning communities reinforce or reduce power imbalances between staff and students? (2022)
Digital Artefact

From our first edition of Dynamic Conversations: Learning Communities, Neil Sutherland CMBE and Rachel Williams of Bristol Business School, University of the West of England, explore how parasocial relationships in online learning communities affect... Read More about Dynamic Conversations: Do parasocial relationships in online learning communities reinforce or reduce power imbalances between staff and students?.

"I feel like I am part of a community": Creating social presence at a programme level through Facebook groups (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In this presentation we reflect on the importance of creating social presence at a programme level, specifically in virtual environments. Briefly defined, social presence is the degree to which participants feel like they feel a part of, and know oth... Read More about "I feel like I am part of a community": Creating social presence at a programme level through Facebook groups.

Problematizing leadership learning facilitation through a trickster archetype: An investigation into power and identity in liminal spaces (2021)
Journal Article

This study uses the archetype of a ‘trickster’ to reflect back on, and hence problematize, the role of the educator/facilitator identity in leadership learning. This is based on the view that a trickster is a permanent resident in liminal spaces and... Read More about Problematizing leadership learning facilitation through a trickster archetype: An investigation into power and identity in liminal spaces.