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Gareth Edwards' Outputs (56)

Voices from the village: A multi-voiced relational perspective of character development in leadership learning (2024)
Journal Article

This article builds on previous work that has investigated character development within leadership learning. We take up the analogy of developing character through ‘being in a village’. We do so by gaining unique access to leadership learning within... Read More about Voices from the village: A multi-voiced relational perspective of character development in leadership learning.

Reflections from the field (mountain, cityscape and park): Walking for management development and links to being-in-the world, belonging and ‘Ba’ (2021)
Journal Article

Purpose: The purpose of this paper, based on reflections from practice, is to shed light on the realities of using walking as a tool for learning and development. This is done through an initial analysis of longitudinal reflective data spanning seven... Read More about Reflections from the field (mountain, cityscape and park): Walking for management development and links to being-in-the world, belonging and ‘Ba’.

Problematizing leadership learning facilitation through a trickster archetype: An investigation into power and identity in liminal spaces (2021)
Journal Article

This study uses the archetype of a ‘trickster’ to reflect back on, and hence problematize, the role of the educator/facilitator identity in leadership learning. This is based on the view that a trickster is a permanent resident in liminal spaces and... Read More about Problematizing leadership learning facilitation through a trickster archetype: An investigation into power and identity in liminal spaces.