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BFF | Tessellation Tests (2020)

Boundary first flattening VS common tessellation methods:

There is one more tessellation method which will be discussed in this post and then some generations will be tessellated using all the methods which have been discussed so far.

Family estrangement and the Covid-19 crisis. A closer look at how broken family relationships have been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis (2020)

This survey set out to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on estranged family relationships that are distant or inactive. The survey was disseminated to members of the Stand Alone community during May 2020. Data is presented from 801 individ... Read More about Family estrangement and the Covid-19 crisis. A closer look at how broken family relationships have been impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.

A report on key achievements realizing thematic objectives of the international decade for people of African descent (2020)

2015-2024 International Decade for People of African Descent (IDPAD) was launched at the United Nations Headquarters, New York in September 2014, by representatives of UN member states, international civil society and other stakeholders. This report... Read More about A report on key achievements realizing thematic objectives of the international decade for people of African descent.

Driverless cars – a great opportunity for society? Final report of the Driverless Cars Emulsion initiative (2020)

Driverless cars (DCs) have in recent years been the subject of substantial investment and anticipation, as well as hype and exasperation. Governments have been drawn into a race for the gold at the end of the DC rainbow. But not everyone shares this... Read More about Driverless cars – a great opportunity for society? Final report of the Driverless Cars Emulsion initiative.