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The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on African diaspora communities

Olaiya, M.A., H. B. Adediran


H. B. Adediran Olaiya, M.A.


This addendum summarizes the impact of the COVID-19 global pandemic, in relation to achievement of IDPAD’s thematic objectives, and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 10 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which aims to reduce inequality within and between countries. The impact of COVID-19 otherwise known as novel coronavirus, highlights Afrophobia/Afriphobia within the UN OHCHR Region of Europe, Central Asia, and North America. According to John Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Centre, countries within this Region are amongst those with the highest mortality or case fatality rates for novel coronavirus, which reflects the number of deaths in a population divided by the number of confirmed cases. Notably Belgium (13.4%), Italy (13%) and the UK (12.8%) had the highest COVID-19 mortality rates in April 2020. Moreover, Afrikan communities are statistically shown to be disproportionately affected. For example, In New York which is deemed to be the epicentre of the global pandemic, of 90 % state-wide reporting, 18 % of deaths have been Black people, who account for only 9 % of the state’s population. In New York City with 65% reporting, 28 % of deaths have been Black people, who account for 22 % of the urbanism’s population, (Cineas, 2020). “The issue of race is (therefore) central to tackling the virus and without a purposeful, intersectional approach centring on BAME communities, the current outbreak will lead to severe consequences and further entrench racial inequalities” (BSWN, 2020). In that regard, the International Coalition of People of African Descent (ICPAD) facilitated knowledge exchange on the impact of the deadly coronavirus pandemic on Afrikan (African diaspora) communities globally. These narratives give agency to invisible Afrikan communities, that enables IDPAD’s achievements and challenges to be shared and amplified across different structures and processes.

Report Type Policy Document
Acceptance Date May 3, 2020
Online Publication Date May 3, 2020
Publication Date May 3, 2020
Deposit Date Jan 18, 2021
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