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Outputs (417)

Understanding the emergency medical service response to patients who are at imminent risk of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (2024)
Journal Article

Study Aim: To understand the survival and emergency medical service call triage and response to patients who suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest after the emergency medical service call is connected.
Methods: A descriptive retrospective data a... Read More about Understanding the emergency medical service response to patients who are at imminent risk of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.

Facilitators and barriers to access to midwife-led birth settings for racialized women in the UK: A scoping review (2024)
Journal Article

In UK maternity care, racialized women have worse experiences and clinical outcomes than White women. Midwife-led birth settings (MLBS), including home births and midwife-led units, both freestanding and alongside hospitals, are all avail... Read More about Facilitators and barriers to access to midwife-led birth settings for racialized women in the UK: A scoping review.

How do we get the public into public health research? Learnings and key recommendations from initiating a community involvement project scheme (2024)
Journal Article

Introduction: There are many recognised benefits of public involvement, including more relevant research. The COVID‐19 pandemic highlighted the existing health inequalities and disparities in access to care and treatment for under‐served groups, nece... Read More about How do we get the public into public health research? Learnings and key recommendations from initiating a community involvement project scheme.

Evaluation of a new out-of-hospital newborn life support (OH-NLS) course in the UK South West region: A mixed-methods survey study (2024)
Journal Article

Introduction: Unplanned out-of-hospital births (UOHBs) are associated with poorer outcomes for babies, especially those born prematurely. The current Newborn Life Support (NLS) course offered by Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK) is not designed to addr... Read More about Evaluation of a new out-of-hospital newborn life support (OH-NLS) course in the UK South West region: A mixed-methods survey study.

Prescribing paradigms: Understanding general practitioner inclinations towards medical and social prescribing (2024)
Journal Article

General practitioners (GPs) face complex decisions when choosing between prescribing medication or referring patients to social prescriptions. Increasing awareness of overprescribing and the risks of polypharmacy are a key driver of patient-centred p... Read More about Prescribing paradigms: Understanding general practitioner inclinations towards medical and social prescribing.

Early high-dose cryoprecipitate to reduce mortality in adult patients with traumatic haemorrhage: The CRYOSTAT-2 RCT with cost-effectiveness analysis (2024)
Journal Article

Traumatic haemorrhage is common after severe injury, leading to disability and death. Cryoprecipitate, a source of fibrinogen, may improve outcomes for patients with traumatic haemorrhage. To investigate the effects of early fibrinogen supplementatio... Read More about Early high-dose cryoprecipitate to reduce mortality in adult patients with traumatic haemorrhage: The CRYOSTAT-2 RCT with cost-effectiveness analysis.