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Outputs (417)

Janus-kinase inhibitor use in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases beyond licensed indications: A scoping review (2024)
Journal Article

The use of Janus kinase inhibitors (JAKis) in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) beyond licence is expanding rapidly. The aim of this scoping review was to identify and present the available evidence on the efficacy of JAKis... Read More about Janus-kinase inhibitor use in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases beyond licensed indications: A scoping review.

Magnet ingestion in children in the United Kingdom: A national prospective observational surveillance study (2024)
Journal Article

Magnet ingestion in children and young people (CYP) associates with significant harm. The incidence and circumstances of magnet ingestions in CYP are unknown in the United Kingdom (UK). We aimed to determine these and report associated ou... Read More about Magnet ingestion in children in the United Kingdom: A national prospective observational surveillance study.

What factors are associated with patients being active partners in the management fibromyalgia? A mixed methods systematic review protocol (2024)
Journal Article

Background: Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) is characterised by widespread and persistent pain, intrusive fatigue and cognitive issues, affecting approximately 5.4% of the UK population. Non‐pharmacological therapies and education are current management... Read More about What factors are associated with patients being active partners in the management fibromyalgia? A mixed methods systematic review protocol.

Psoriatic arthritis priority setting partnership: Patient and clinician informed considerations for future UK health service delivery (2024)
Journal Article

Little is known about the ideal service delivery model and shortcomings in patient experiences in the NHS for patients with Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA). To identify unmet needs perceived within the current health service delivery model for PsA from the... Read More about Psoriatic arthritis priority setting partnership: Patient and clinician informed considerations for future UK health service delivery.

Structured tailored rehabilitation after hip fragility fracture: The ‘Stratify’ feasibility and pilot randomised controlled trial protocol (2024)
Journal Article

Background: Rehabilitation in hospital is effective in reducing mortality after hip fracture. However, there is uncertainty over optimal in-hospital rehabilitation treatment ingredients, and the generalizability of trial findings to subgroups of pati... Read More about Structured tailored rehabilitation after hip fragility fracture: The ‘Stratify’ feasibility and pilot randomised controlled trial protocol.

Development and refinement of patient care recommendations in brachytherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer using nominal group technique workshops (2024)
Journal Article

Purpose: Patient experiences of brachytherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer (LACC) are widely variable, with reports of difficult and traumatic experiences and aspects of care requiring improvement. The aim of this study was to develop patient... Read More about Development and refinement of patient care recommendations in brachytherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer using nominal group technique workshops.