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Outputs (11)

Emulating the delivery of sawtooth proton arc therapy plans on a cyclotron-based proton beam therapy system (2024)
Journal Article

Purpose: To evaluate and compare the deliverability of ‘sawtooth’ proton arc therapy (PAT) plans relative to static intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT) at a cyclotron-based clinical facility.

Methods: The delivery of single and dual arc Saw... Read More about Emulating the delivery of sawtooth proton arc therapy plans on a cyclotron-based proton beam therapy system.

Recording and reporting of ultra-high dose rate “FLASH” delivery for preclinical and clinical settings (2024)
Journal Article

Treatments at ultra-high dose rate (UHDR) have the potential to improve the therapeutic index of radiation therapy (RT) by sparing normal tissues compared to conventional dose rate irradiations. Insufficient and inconsistent reporting in physics and... Read More about Recording and reporting of ultra-high dose rate “FLASH” delivery for preclinical and clinical settings.

Terminology, recording, reporting for ultra-high dose rates: ESTRO physics of FLASH workshop update (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

There is mounting preclinical evidence that irradiations at ultra-high dose rate (UHDR) have the potential to improve the therapeutic index of radiation therapy (RT) by sparing normal tissues compared to conventional dose rate irr... Read More about Terminology, recording, reporting for ultra-high dose rates: ESTRO physics of FLASH workshop update.

How precisely to deliver pencil beam scanned proton FLASH? Robustness of dose rate to AAPM TG224 (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Task Group Report 224: Comprehensive Proton Therapy Machine Quality Assurance gives recommendations for the delivery of Pencil Beam Scanned (PBS) proton radiotherapy. The t... Read More about How precisely to deliver pencil beam scanned proton FLASH? Robustness of dose rate to AAPM TG224.

P 351 - A prototype secondary standard calorimeter for dosimetry of conventional and ultra-high dose rate protons (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Ionisation chambers are commonly used as secondary standard detectors, however these are less suited for ultra-high
dose rates (UHDR), or FLASH dosimetry, because of collection inefficiency due to ion recombination. Calorimetry shows
promise for UH... Read More about P 351 - A prototype secondary standard calorimeter for dosimetry of conventional and ultra-high dose rate protons.

P 134 - Performance, functionality, and future upgrades of the Christie proton research beamline for radiobiology (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The University of Manchester/Christie NHS FT proton research room (Figure 1) has been operational since late 2019 occupying the 4th gantry room of the proton therapy centre and is served by the same accelerator as the clinical rooms. This room offers... Read More about P 134 - Performance, functionality, and future upgrades of the Christie proton research beamline for radiobiology.

Characterisation of the UK high energy proton research beamline for high and ultra-high dose rate (FLASH) irradiation (2023)
Journal Article

Objective. This work sets out the capabilities of the high energy proton research beamline developed in the Christie proton therapy centre for Ultra-High Dose Rate (UHDR) irradiation and FLASH experiments. It also characterises the lower limits of UH... Read More about Characterisation of the UK high energy proton research beamline for high and ultra-high dose rate (FLASH) irradiation.

Early experience and commissioning of the Manchester research beamline for pencil beam scanned protons at ultra-high dose rates (2022)
Journal Article

Background and Aims: The University of Manchester research beamline at the Christie Proton Beam centre consists of a fixed horizontal beamline with a Varian ProBeam scanning nozzle, enabling delivery of pencil beam scanned (PBS) protons from 70–245 M... Read More about Early experience and commissioning of the Manchester research beamline for pencil beam scanned protons at ultra-high dose rates.

Early experience with MR‐guided adaptive radiotherapy using a 1.5 T MR‐Linac: First 6 months of operation using adapt to shape workflow (2021)
Journal Article

The magnetic resonance linear accelerator (MRL) offers improved soft tissue visualization to guide daily adaptive radiotherapy treatment. This manuscript aims to report initial experience using a 1.5 T MRL in the first 6 months of opera... Read More about Early experience with MR‐guided adaptive radiotherapy using a 1.5 T MR‐Linac: First 6 months of operation using adapt to shape workflow.