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Outputs (147)

A novel in vitro flat-bed perfusion biofilm model for determining the potential antimicrobial efficacy of topical wound treatments (2009)
Journal Article

Aims: To develop an in vitro flat-bed perfusion biofilm model that could be used to determine the antimicrobial efficacy of topically applied treatments. Methods and Results: Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus biofilms were grown within... Read More about A novel in vitro flat-bed perfusion biofilm model for determining the potential antimicrobial efficacy of topical wound treatments.

Electricity from landfill leachate using microbial fuel cells: Comparison with a biological aerated filter (2009)
Journal Article

Four experimental columns were employed in this study to investigate their performance under wastewater treatment conditions. One column was set-up as a biological aerated filter and the remaining three were set-up as microbial fuel cells (MFCs), two... Read More about Electricity from landfill leachate using microbial fuel cells: Comparison with a biological aerated filter.

A novel in vitro flat-bed perfusion biofilm model for determining the potential antimicrobial efficacy of topical wound treatments (2009)
Journal Article

To develop an in vitro flat-bed perfusion biofilm model that could be used to determine the antimicrobial efficacy of topically applied treatments.

METHODS AND RESULTS: Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus biofilms were grown within co... Read More about A novel in vitro flat-bed perfusion biofilm model for determining the potential antimicrobial efficacy of topical wound treatments.

Effects of chlorhexidine on a tongue-flora microcosm and VSC production using an in vitro biofilm perfusion model (2008)
Journal Article

An in vitro perfusion biofilm model, derived from tongue-scrape microflora removed from one individual, was employed to study sulfide biogenesis and the effects of repeated exposure to chlorhexidine (CHX). Volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) were measure... Read More about Effects of chlorhexidine on a tongue-flora microcosm and VSC production using an in vitro biofilm perfusion model.