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Outputs (3)

Keeping children safe: A multicentre programme of research to increase the evidence base for preventing unintentional injuries in the home in the under-fives (2017)
Journal Article


Unintentional injuries among 0- to 4-year-olds are a major public health problem incurring substantial NHS, individual and societal costs. However, evidence on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of preventative interventions is la... Read More about Keeping children safe: A multicentre programme of research to increase the evidence base for preventing unintentional injuries in the home in the under-fives.

Evaluating implementation of a fireprevention injury prevention briefing in children's centres: Cluster randomised controlled trial (2017)
Journal Article

Many developed countries have high mortality rates for fire-related deaths in children aged 0-14 years with steep social gradients. Evidence-based interventions to promote fire safety practices exist, but the impact of implementing a rang... Read More about Evaluating implementation of a fireprevention injury prevention briefing in children's centres: Cluster randomised controlled trial.