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Outputs (28)

Visions of swarming robots: Artificial intelligence and stupidity in the military-industrial projection of the future of warfare (2019)
Book Chapter

My subject in this paper is the analysis, speculation and recommendations for the future development and deployment of lethal autonomous robotic systems such as they appear in reports, studies and presentations emanating from what is still aptly call... Read More about Visions of swarming robots: Artificial intelligence and stupidity in the military-industrial projection of the future of warfare.

From DotA to MOBA: The emergence and crisis of playful co-creativity in multiplayer online battle arena games (2019)

The Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) genre represents one of the most popular, dynamic and influential spaces of digital play. Since the genres first commercial release in 2009 with the title League of Legends (2009 – present, Riot Games), MOBA... Read More about From DotA to MOBA: The emergence and crisis of playful co-creativity in multiplayer online battle arena games.

Whitehall War Graves (2019)
Exhibition / Performance

This project considers how the material of Portland stone, used as graves stones in CommonWealth War Cemeteries and in buildings in much of central London, signifies memorialisation, power, memorialisation, degradation and decay.

Light Sensitive Material (2019)
Exhibition / Performance

Works selected and shown during Light Sensitive Material confernce, November 2019, University of West London.

Organising counter-cultures: Challenges of structure, organisation and sustainability in the Independent Filmmakers Association and the Radical Film Network (2019)
Journal Article

The Independent Filmmakers Association (IFA) was formed in London in 1974 to represent the various strands of predominantly leftist and experimental independent filmmaking in post-war Britain. For the next fifteen years, the IFA played a key role in... Read More about Organising counter-cultures: Challenges of structure, organisation and sustainability in the Independent Filmmakers Association and the Radical Film Network.

Using virtual reality head-mounted displays with autistic children: Views, experiences and future directions (2019)
Journal Article

This article seeks to place children on the autism spectrum at the centre of a study examining the potential of virtual reality head-mounted displays used in classrooms. In doing so we provide data that addresses three important and often overlooked... Read More about Using virtual reality head-mounted displays with autistic children: Views, experiences and future directions.

When the Prophet was angry with the Emperor: On Marcus Garvey's critique of Haile Selassie I, and the aligned legacy of both their logic (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Discussing the challenging moment in 1937 when Marcus Mosiah Garvey strongly criticised Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie for moving to Bath in the UK, to rally for support for Ethiopia's liberation from Mussolini's fascist invasion. Garvey attacked t... Read More about When the Prophet was angry with the Emperor: On Marcus Garvey's critique of Haile Selassie I, and the aligned legacy of both their logic.