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Outputs (29)

Visions of swarming robots: Artificial intelligence and stupidity in the military-industrial projection of the future of warfare (2019)
Book Chapter

My subject in this paper is the analysis, speculation and recommendations for the future development and deployment of lethal autonomous robotic systems such as they appear in reports, studies and presentations emanating from what is still aptly call... Read More about Visions of swarming robots: Artificial intelligence and stupidity in the military-industrial projection of the future of warfare.

Bernard Stiegler (2017)

Annotated bibliography of primary and secondary sources for Bernard Stiegler. For the online service of Oxford University Press, Oxford Bibliographies in Literary and Critical Theory.

Play (for) time (2015)
Book Chapter

Through their deployment of interactivity, virtualisation and simulation, videogames are prime examples of the contemporary form of what philosopher of technology, Bernard Stiegler, has termed the industrial temporal object. The experiences produced... Read More about Play (for) time.

The conditions of production of video games: The nature and stakes of creative freedom in Stiegler’s philosophy of technicity (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This is the text of a keynote presentation at the Philsophy of Computer Games 8: Freedom in Play conference held at Bilgi University, Istanbul in November 2014. It considers the implications of Bernard Stiegler's philosophy of technology for a critic... Read More about The conditions of production of video games: The nature and stakes of creative freedom in Stiegler’s philosophy of technicity.

Technology, technicity and time: Reanimating old questions for film and media theory in the wake of Stiegler’s philosophical activism (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This is the text of the keynote speech at the Irish Screen Studies Seminar, Trinity College Dublin, May 2014. Stiegler's philosophy of technology and of media is examined for its potential to contribute to a reformulation of film and media studies in... Read More about Technology, technicity and time: Reanimating old questions for film and media theory in the wake of Stiegler’s philosophical activism.

Passing, swirling, spinning: A brief note on Stiegler's post-phenomenological account of mediated experience (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

I offer here this short commentary on a section from Technics and Time 2’s final chapter, ‘Temporal Object and Retentional Finitude’ in which Stiegler engages in a lengthy meditation on Husserl’s account of primary and secondary retention—a meditatio... Read More about Passing, swirling, spinning: A brief note on Stiegler's post-phenomenological account of mediated experience.

Simulation games (2012)
Book Chapter

Entry on Simulation Games in an encyclopedia of video games.