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Outputs (3)

Robust feature extraction from impedimetric signals using wavelet packet decomposition with application to cytotoxicity testing (2012)
Journal Article

Impedance-based cytotoxicity testing provides a simple, real-time and non-invasive assay technique that interferes minimally with cell morphology and function. In this study, impedimetric measurements of ECV304 cells with increasing concentrations of... Read More about Robust feature extraction from impedimetric signals using wavelet packet decomposition with application to cytotoxicity testing.

Comparison of cytotoxic changes in ECV304 cell through exposure to DMSO and sodium butyrate using impedance spectroscopy (2012)
Journal Article

This paper decides an impedance spectroscopy measurement system for real-time monitoring of cellular toxicity. The system is used to compare the impedance response of ECV304 cells to two toxicants, dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) and sodium butyrate. The... Read More about Comparison of cytotoxic changes in ECV304 cell through exposure to DMSO and sodium butyrate using impedance spectroscopy.