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Outputs (32)

Academic anomie: Implications of the ‘great resignation’ for leadership in post-COVID higher education (2024)
Journal Article

The experience of the COVID-19 pandemic has ignited a near universal rethink of what is tolerable or desirable in work settings. In higher education – where discontent has been exacerbated by the pandemic – the potential for a 'great resignation' is... Read More about Academic anomie: Implications of the ‘great resignation’ for leadership in post-COVID higher education.

Pieces of Us (2023)

Shops, churches, pubs, social clubs, libraries, parks, schools, streets, windowsills, gardens, pavements... These public spaces can have an extraordinary effect on well-being in a community. They bring people together and form the bonds that lead to... Read More about Pieces of Us.

Developing community leadership for action on affordable, healthy, and sustainable food issues (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In the context of the current cost of living crisis, many activists are working within their communities to promote access to affordable, healthy, and sustainable food. Yet there are very few opportunities share experiences, ideas and resources betwe... Read More about Developing community leadership for action on affordable, healthy, and sustainable food issues.

Rise of the machines (2023)
Digital Artefact

ILA Fellow, Professor Richard Bolden (University of the West of England), asked ChatGPT-4 to identify the top implications of AI for leadership. Bolden shares the generative AI’s response as well as some general principles leadership professionals ca... Read More about Rise of the machines.

Leadership and culture (2023)
Book Chapter

Interest in the relationship between leadership and culture first garnered attention during the ‘cultural turn’ in management and organization studies in the 1980s (Peters & Waterman, 1982; Smircich and Morgan, 1982; Morgan, 1986) and has grown consi... Read More about Leadership and culture.

Leaving Leadership (2023)
Digital Artefact

ILA Fellow Richard Bolden delves into what the surprise resignations of Nicola Sturgeon and Jacinda Ardern reveal about today’s toxic leadership contexts, what it means to be a “strong leader,” and how leaders transition out of their roles.