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Outputs (24)

Does daily happiness and nervousness differ in adolescents and young adults in three Latin American cities: An experience sampling study (2025)
Journal Article


Experience Sampling Methods (ESM) have been used in clinical research to collect data on emotional and behavioural states in real life contexts among different populations. Although the use of ESM in mental health has increased, it has... Read More about Does daily happiness and nervousness differ in adolescents and young adults in three Latin American cities: An experience sampling study.

Understanding fitness professionals’ weight biases and uptake of weight-inclusive practices: Findings from a mixed-methods survey (2024)
Journal Article

Weight bias is highly prevalent in the fitness industry, posing significant challenges for fat people seeking to engage in health-promoting behaviours, such as physical activity. Despite small ideological shifts in the fitness industry towards more w... Read More about Understanding fitness professionals’ weight biases and uptake of weight-inclusive practices: Findings from a mixed-methods survey.

Which personal and social resources help adolescents to recover from negative affect in daily life? An experience sampling study (2024)
Journal Article

Background: Reducing anxiety and depression of adolescents is a global health priority. Personal and social resources (e.g., hobbies, socializing) may reduce distress. Yet, there is insufficient understanding of how adolescents use such resources to... Read More about Which personal and social resources help adolescents to recover from negative affect in daily life? An experience sampling study.

Developing an evaluation strategy in Kashmir: Assessing the impact of an arts intervention with school children in an area of conflict (2024)
Journal Article

This 'in practice' article describes and reflects on the mixed methodology used in a realist evaluation of the impact of an arts intervention for children (aged 10-15) in a school in Kashmir, an area of conflict. The evaluation focused on art based... Read More about Developing an evaluation strategy in Kashmir: Assessing the impact of an arts intervention with school children in an area of conflict.

The impact of Arts on Prescription on individual health and wellbeing: A systematic review with meta-analysis (2024)
Journal Article

Introduction: The evidence-base for the impact of participating in the arts for different aspects of health and wellbeing is growing. Arts on Prescription has gained increasing recognition as a method for fostering connections among individuals and c... Read More about The impact of Arts on Prescription on individual health and wellbeing: A systematic review with meta-analysis.

The impact of Arts on Prescription on individual health and wellbeing: A systematic review with meta-analysis (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Aims of project: The evidence-base for the impact of participating in the arts for health and wellbeing is growing. Arts on Prescription (AoP) has gained recognition as a method for fostering connections among individuals and communities, however, to... Read More about The impact of Arts on Prescription on individual health and wellbeing: A systematic review with meta-analysis.

An exploration of greenspace metric proximity and NDVI vs configurational accessibility from residential postcodes in the West of England (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Greenspaces are recognised as important features of an urban environment which are visited by residents for different purposes. This paper investigates the relationship between residents in the West of England and their surrounding greenspaces, by st... Read More about An exploration of greenspace metric proximity and NDVI vs configurational accessibility from residential postcodes in the West of England.

The impact of national and international financial crises on mental health and well-being: A systematic review (2023)
Journal Article

Background: Evidence suggests that financial crises and poor mental health are reciprocally related, but no systematic review has been conducted to synthesise the existing literature on the impact of national and international financial crises on pop... Read More about The impact of national and international financial crises on mental health and well-being: A systematic review.

Ontological insecurity of inattentiveness: Conceptualizing how risk management practices impact on patient recovery when admitted to an acute psychiatric hospital (2023)
Journal Article

Risk management which assesses and mitigates risks such as suicide and violence is under scrutiny, particularly within psychiatric inpatient settings. Restrictive practices, which result from risk assessment, such as observations, physical restraint... Read More about Ontological insecurity of inattentiveness: Conceptualizing how risk management practices impact on patient recovery when admitted to an acute psychiatric hospital.

What are the factors of parental incarceration that may increase risk of poor emotional and mental health in children of prisoners? (2023)
Journal Article

Purpose: Globally millions of children have a parent who is imprisoned. Research suggests that this has an adverse impact on the child and imprisonment of a parent is considered to be an adverse childhood experience (ACE). Parental incarceration will... Read More about What are the factors of parental incarceration that may increase risk of poor emotional and mental health in children of prisoners?.

Arts on referral at Fresh Arts: A mixed-methods report on the efficacy of arts on prescription in a hospital setting for people experiencing chronic health conditions (2023)

This report describes the evaluation methods and outcomes of four arts on referral programmes delivered through Fresh Arts on Referral at Southmead Hospital, Bristol. Arts on referral, where people are referred to art workshops, led by a skilled arts... Read More about Arts on referral at Fresh Arts: A mixed-methods report on the efficacy of arts on prescription in a hospital setting for people experiencing chronic health conditions.