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Outputs (30)

Cyclical construction workforce shortage: An evaluation of the current shortage in Western North Carolina (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The inadequate supply of skilled construction craft workers is an issue that currently affects the performance of the construction industry. The performance of the construction industry has a significant influence on the growth of the national econom... Read More about Cyclical construction workforce shortage: An evaluation of the current shortage in Western North Carolina.

Application of the direct power control strategy in a shunt active filter by exploiting the solar photovoltaic energy as a continuous source (2020)
Journal Article

In order to follow the standard recommendations of the electrical energy quality (IEEE519) on the distribution network, the active filter have responded to these recommendations, which require that the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) must be less tha... Read More about Application of the direct power control strategy in a shunt active filter by exploiting the solar photovoltaic energy as a continuous source.

Laser powder bed fusion of WC-reinforced Hastelloy-X composite: Microstructure and mechanical properties (2020)
Journal Article

Nickel-based superalloys such as Hastelloy X (HX) are widely used in gas turbine engines for their exceptional oxidation resistance and high-temperature strength. The addition of ceramic reinforcement further enhances these superalloys’ mechanical pe... Read More about Laser powder bed fusion of WC-reinforced Hastelloy-X composite: Microstructure and mechanical properties.

The effect of heat treatment of AlSi10Mg on the energy absorption performance of surface-based structures (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Additive Manufacturing of cellular lattice structures offers opportunities to fine-tune the mechanical response by altering geometric variables. It is known that heat treatment cycles provide an effective way of altering mechanical properties while r... Read More about The effect of heat treatment of AlSi10Mg on the energy absorption performance of surface-based structures.

Development of design criteria for novel 3D-printed quadric-surfaced sludge digesters for wastewater infrastructure (2020)

The quadric-surfaced sludge digester (QSD), also known as the egg-shaped sludge digester, has proven its advantages over traditional cylindrical digesters recently. A reduction in operational cost is the dominant factor. Its shell can be described as... Read More about Development of design criteria for novel 3D-printed quadric-surfaced sludge digesters for wastewater infrastructure.

Nano reinforced cement paste composite with functionalized graphene and pristine graphene nanoplatelets (2020)
Journal Article

This study examines and compares the workability, hydration, mechanical, microstructure and transport properties of cement paste composites containing the three forms of graphene-based 2D nanomaterials synthesised from epigenetic graphite deposit, na... Read More about Nano reinforced cement paste composite with functionalized graphene and pristine graphene nanoplatelets.