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Dr Christoforos Bouzanis' Outputs (9)

Social imaginary and the metaphysical discourse: On the fundamental predicament of contemporary philosophy and social sciences (2023)

This book departs from approaches to truth in social science and ideas in philosophy that connect truth to the ability of language to fulfil certain ‘real-world’ conditions of objectivity. Pointing to an extra-linguistic level in our cognition at whi... Read More about Social imaginary and the metaphysical discourse: On the fundamental predicament of contemporary philosophy and social sciences.

The two stories of the habitus/structure relation and the riddle of reflexivity: A meta-theoretical reappraisal (2019)
Journal Article

This article argues that two key puzzles arising from the theories of Bourdieu are inter-related. One is the question of how Bourdieu analyses the relationship between structure and habitus, and the other is the place of reflexivity in Bourdieu's wor... Read More about The two stories of the habitus/structure relation and the riddle of reflexivity: A meta-theoretical reappraisal.