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Dr Sunny Chan's Outputs (50)

Mindfulness meditation for sleep disturbances among individuals with cognitive impairment: A scoping review (2025)
Journal Article

Background: This scoping review investigates the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation in alleviating sleep disturbances among individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer's disease (AD). With the rising prevalence of dementia and... Read More about Mindfulness meditation for sleep disturbances among individuals with cognitive impairment: A scoping review.

Development of Dyadic mind-body intervention for Relieving Enduring sleep disturbances Among older individuals with deMentia and their caregivers (DREAM) in both white and ethnic minority communities in Bristol (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This presentation details a project focused on co-developing a dyadic mind-body intervention in collaboration with stakeholders, including older adults with dementia and their caregivers from four distinct ethnic communities: White British, Caribbean... Read More about Development of Dyadic mind-body intervention for Relieving Enduring sleep disturbances Among older individuals with deMentia and their caregivers (DREAM) in both white and ethnic minority communities in Bristol.

Effect of combined Tai Chi and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for sleep disturbance in older adults: A randomized controlled trial (2024)
Journal Article

Background and aims Novel approaches to improve sleep disturbance in older adults are needed. Our study comprises a pioneering attempt to test the efficacy of Tai Chi (TC) combined with repetitive transcranial magne... Read More about Effect of combined Tai Chi and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for sleep disturbance in older adults: A randomized controlled trial.

Mindfulness-based family psychoeducation intervention for caregivers of young adults with first-episode psychosis: Results at 9-month follow-up (2024)
Journal Article

Objectives: To investigate the effects of a mindfulness-based family psychoeducation (MBFPE) intervention on caregivers and the young adults with first-episode psychosis in mental health care.

Methods: Sixty-five caregivers were randomly assigned... Read More about Mindfulness-based family psychoeducation intervention for caregivers of young adults with first-episode psychosis: Results at 9-month follow-up.

Integration of tai chi and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for sleep disturbances in older adults: A pilot randomized controlled trial (2024)
Journal Article

The arousal state has been demonstrated to be involved in the fundamental pathophysiological mechanism of sleep disturbances. Tai chi (TC) and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) have been documented to alleviate sleep dis... Read More about Integration of tai chi and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation for sleep disturbances in older adults: A pilot randomized controlled trial.

The effects of psychosocial and behavioral interventions on depressive and anxiety symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2023)
Journal Article

Psychosocial and behavioral interventions have been shown to significantly reduce depressive and anxiety symptoms in different populations. Recent evidence suggests that the mental health of the general population has deteriorated significantly since... Read More about The effects of psychosocial and behavioral interventions on depressive and anxiety symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Clinical effectiveness of mindfulness-based music therapy on improving emotional regulation in blind older women: A randomized controlled trial (2023)
Journal Article

Background: This study aimed to investigate clinical effectiveness of a structured eight-week mindfulness-based music therapy (MBMT) program on improving mood regulation in older women with blindness. This investigation compared a MBMT group with a m... Read More about Clinical effectiveness of mindfulness-based music therapy on improving emotional regulation in blind older women: A randomized controlled trial.

The effects of a mindfulness-based family psychoeducation intervention for the caregivers of young adults with first-episode psychosis: A randomized controlled trial (2023)
Journal Article

Objective: In this study, we investigated the effects of a mindfulness-based family psychoeducation (MBFPE) program on the mental-health outcomes of both caregivers and young adults with first-episode psychosis with an onset in the past three years t... Read More about The effects of a mindfulness-based family psychoeducation intervention for the caregivers of young adults with first-episode psychosis: A randomized controlled trial.

The effects of an integrated mindfulness-based Tai Chi Chuan programme on sleep disturbance among community-dwelling elderly people: protocol for a randomized controlled trial (2022)
Journal Article

Background: Many elderly individuals who experience sleep disturbances would consider complementary and alternative medicine as an alternative therapeutic option in light of the limitations of traditional treatments. Mindfulness-based interventions (... Read More about The effects of an integrated mindfulness-based Tai Chi Chuan programme on sleep disturbance among community-dwelling elderly people: protocol for a randomized controlled trial.

Non-invasive brain stimulation combined with psychosocial intervention for depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2022)
Journal Article

Objectives: This review investigates the efficacy and safety of non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) combined with psychosocial intervention on depressive symptoms. Materials and methods: We systematically searched five electronic databases from the... Read More about Non-invasive brain stimulation combined with psychosocial intervention for depression: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Effects of mindfulness-based intervention programs on sleep among people with common mental disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis (2022)
Journal Article

Sleep problems are particularly prevalent in people with depression or anxiety disorder. Although mindfulness has been suggested as an important component in alleviating insomnia, no comprehensive review and meta-analysis has been conduct... Read More about Effects of mindfulness-based intervention programs on sleep among people with common mental disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

The association between trajectories of loneliness and physical frailty in Chinese older adults: Does age matter? (2022)
Journal Article

Background: The present study aimed to examine age differences in the relationship between trajectories of loneliness and physical frailty among Chinese older adults. Methods: A total of 4618 participants aged ≥60 years old were taken from pooled dat... Read More about The association between trajectories of loneliness and physical frailty in Chinese older adults: Does age matter?.

Effects of a mindful parenting workshop for parents of adolescents and young adults following social unrest in Hong Kong (2021)
Journal Article

Objectives: The social unrest that began in Hong Kong in 2019 became a threat to public mental health, such as for depression and post-traumatic stress disorders. A supportive family environment is the most effective protective factor for mental heal... Read More about Effects of a mindful parenting workshop for parents of adolescents and young adults following social unrest in Hong Kong.

Evaluating the emotion regulation of positive mood states among people with bipolar disorder using hierarchical clustering (2021)
Journal Article

People with bipolar disorder (BD) frequently struggle with the recurrence of affective symptoms. However, the interplay between coping mechanism and positive mood state remains under-researched.

To explore the associations among b... Read More about Evaluating the emotion regulation of positive mood states among people with bipolar disorder using hierarchical clustering.

Sequential multiple mediation of cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance in the relationship between rumination and social anxiety among Chinese adolescents (2021)
Journal Article

Background and Objectives: The potential mechanism by which rumination influences social anxiety through cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance proposed by the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy model has not been well-documented. This study, the... Read More about Sequential multiple mediation of cognitive fusion and experiential avoidance in the relationship between rumination and social anxiety among Chinese adolescents.