Objective To investigate the effectiveness of a school based intervention to increase physical activity, reduce sedentary behaviour, and increase fruit and vegetable consumption in children. Design Cluster randomised controlled trial. Setting 60 prim... Read More about Effect of intervention aimed at increasing physical activity, reducing sedentary behaviour, and increasing fruit and vegetable consumption in children: Active for Life Year 5 (AFLY5) school based cluster randomised controlled trial.
Professor Julie Mytton's Outputs (4)
Delivering community based child injury prevention in Nepal: A feasibility study (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Aim: To develop and evaluate an educational programme of child injury prevention and first-aid for dissemination through women’s groups in a rural district of Nepal and determine the feasibility of conducting a cluster randomised controlled trial of... Read More about Delivering community based child injury prevention in Nepal: A feasibility study.
The feasibility of using a parenting programme for the prevention of unintentional home injuries in the under-fives: A cluster randomised controlled trial (2014)
Journal Article
Background: Unintentional injury is the leading cause of preventable death of children over the age of 1 year in the UK and a major cause of attendance at emergency departments. Children having one injury are at increased risk of further injuries. Pa... Read More about The feasibility of using a parenting programme for the prevention of unintentional home injuries in the under-fives: A cluster randomised controlled trial.
Examining inequalities in the uptake of the school-based HPV vaccination programme in England: A retrospective cohort study (2014)
Journal Article
Background: Although uptake of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is high in the United Kingdom, it is unknown whether the programme has been delivered equitably by ethnicity or deprivation. This study aimed to investigate factors associated with HPV... Read More about Examining inequalities in the uptake of the school-based HPV vaccination programme in England: A retrospective cohort study.