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Professor Phillippa Diedrichs' Outputs (9)

Improving body image at scale among Brazilian adolescents: Study protocol for the co-creation and randomised trial evaluation of a chatbot intervention (2021)
Journal Article

Background: Body image concerns are prevalent among Brazilian adolescents and can lead to poor psychological and physical health. Yet, there is a scarcity of culturally-appropriate, evidence-based interventions that have been evaluated and made widel... Read More about Improving body image at scale among Brazilian adolescents: Study protocol for the co-creation and randomised trial evaluation of a chatbot intervention.

‘Dove Confident Me Indonesia: Single Session’: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial to evaluate a school-based body image intervention among Indonesian adolescents (2021)
Journal Article

Background: Due to the prevalence and associated adverse health consequences of negative body image among adolescents globally, there is a need to develop acceptable, effective, and scalable interventions. School-based body image interventions delive... Read More about ‘Dove Confident Me Indonesia: Single Session’: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial to evaluate a school-based body image intervention among Indonesian adolescents.

A qualitative exploration of motivations for fasting and the impact of Ramadan on eating behaviors and body image among young adult Muslim women in the United Kingdom (2021)
Journal Article

Research exploring the impact of fasting in Ramadan on eating behaviors has focused on Muslim-majority countries and has neglected to examine impacts beyond the month when “normal” eating patterns resume. This study aimed to explore the experiences o... Read More about A qualitative exploration of motivations for fasting and the impact of Ramadan on eating behaviors and body image among young adult Muslim women in the United Kingdom.

Acceptability and preliminary efficacy of a school-based body image intervention in urban India: A pilot randomised controlled trial (2021)
Journal Article

This pilot study evaluated the acceptability and preliminary efficacy of a culturally adapted school-based body image intervention, Dove Confident Me, for use in urban India. Two private schools in New Delhi were randomly assigned at the school level... Read More about Acceptability and preliminary efficacy of a school-based body image intervention in urban India: A pilot randomised controlled trial.

Cultural adaptation and validation of the Body Esteem Scale for Adults and Adolescents for use in English among adolescents in urban India (2021)
Journal Article

Body image research is growing in India; however, there are no psychometrically valid measures to assess body image concerns among an Indian population. In this study, the Body Esteem Scale for Adults and Adolescents (BESAA) underwent adaptation and... Read More about Cultural adaptation and validation of the Body Esteem Scale for Adults and Adolescents for use in English among adolescents in urban India.

Game on! A randomised controlled trial evaluation of playable technology in improving body satisfaction and negative affect among adolescents (2021)
Journal Article

Playables are mini-games used in digital advertising and may offer a novel and engaging avenue to improve young people’s well-being at scale. This randomised controlled trial evaluated the immediate impact and protective properties of a psychoeducati... Read More about Game on! A randomised controlled trial evaluation of playable technology in improving body satisfaction and negative affect among adolescents.

Assessing the impact of body image concerns on functioning across life domains: Development and validation of the Body Image Life Disengagement Questionnaire (BILD-Q) among British adolescents (2021)
Journal Article

Assessing the impact of body image on engagement in a range of life domains is important; however, there is a lack of validated measures for adolescents. The current research developed the Body Image Life Disengagement Questionnaire (BILD-Q) and vali... Read More about Assessing the impact of body image concerns on functioning across life domains: Development and validation of the Body Image Life Disengagement Questionnaire (BILD-Q) among British adolescents.

Examining the efficacy of video-based microinterventions for improving risk and protective factors for disordered eating among young adult women (2021)
Journal Article

Objective: Brief self-guided activities designed for focused and immediate benefits, termed microinterventions, have the potential to aid reach and engagement in mental health interventions; however further validation is needed. This study evaluated... Read More about Examining the efficacy of video-based microinterventions for improving risk and protective factors for disordered eating among young adult women.

Adaptation and validation of the Internalisation-General subscale of the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire (SATAQ-3) in English among urban Indian adolescents (2021)
Journal Article

Few studies have validated body image related measures in Asian countries, including in India, thus stunting research progress. To provide a robust method of assessing internalisation of cultural appearance ideals, the purpose of this study was to va... Read More about Adaptation and validation of the Internalisation-General subscale of the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire (SATAQ-3) in English among urban Indian adolescents.