A bioluminescent Pseudomonas aeruginosa was incorporated into an in vitro static diffusion method to determine whether light output could be used as a measure of wound dressing efficacy. A significant linear correlation was observed between viable co... Read More about Use of a bioluminescent Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain within an in vitro microbiological system, as a model of wound infection, to assess the antimicrobial efficacy of wound dressings by monitoring light production.
Dr Robin Thorn's Outputs (2)
In vitro method to assess the antimicrobial activity and potential efficacy of novel types of wound dressings (2005)
Journal Article
Aims: To develop a simple, reproducible in vitro static diffusion method using cellulose disks and defined species to test antimicrobial efficacy of wound dressings. Methods and Results: Cellulose disks were inoculated by immersion in cell suspension... Read More about In vitro method to assess the antimicrobial activity and potential efficacy of novel types of wound dressings.