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Mathew Jones' Outputs (159)

‘Shooting in the dark’: Implications of the research–practice gap for enhancing research use in adult social care (2024)
Journal Article

Background: Despite calls for greater use of research and an appetite to do so within adult social care, a gap persists between research and practice. Aims and objectives: To explore views of adult social care staff about research and its application... Read More about ‘Shooting in the dark’: Implications of the research–practice gap for enhancing research use in adult social care.

Social connectedness in a locked-down world: A phenomenological study of older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic (2023)
Journal Article

Background: Whilst qualitative research has previously been conducted on older people’s personal resilience and wellbeing during COVID-19, there are fewer empirical studies on the impact it had on social connectedness for this age group. In this pape... Read More about Social connectedness in a locked-down world: A phenomenological study of older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Developing community leadership for action on affordable, healthy, and sustainable food issues (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In the context of the current cost of living crisis, many activists are working within their communities to promote access to affordable, healthy, and sustainable food. Yet there are very few opportunities share experiences, ideas and resources betwe... Read More about Developing community leadership for action on affordable, healthy, and sustainable food issues.

Outcome harvesting as a methodology for the retrospective evaluation of small-scale community development interventions (2023)
Journal Article

Purpose: Undertaking evaluations of public health interventions can be problematic, particularly where there are multiple stakeholders and high degrees of complexity. This is especially true with regards to the evaluation of community interventions t... Read More about Outcome harvesting as a methodology for the retrospective evaluation of small-scale community development interventions.

Microgrants as a pathway for community development: A case study exploring impacts, implementation and context (2022)
Journal Article

Microgrant schemes are used in many contexts relevant to community development, but there are few detailed accounts of their operation and effects. This study explored a four-year microgrant scheme in Bristol, UK. The research analyzed 141 awards and... Read More about Microgrants as a pathway for community development: A case study exploring impacts, implementation and context.

Food for life get togethers evaluation: Good food and building community capacity through cook and share grants (2022)

‘Food for Life Get Togethers’ are regular community activities that connect people from all ages and backgrounds through growing, cooking and eating good food. In mid-2021 Food for Life asked community groups across the UK to apply for a £150 Cook an... Read More about Food for life get togethers evaluation: Good food and building community capacity through cook and share grants.

Bringing children and older people together through food: The promotion of intergenerational relationships across preschool, school and care home settings (2022)
Journal Article

Purpose: This paper aims to explore how food-focused social activities are a route for promoting intergenerational relationships, well-being and dietary benefits among residents in care homes and children in preschool/schools. Design/methodology/appr... Read More about Bringing children and older people together through food: The promotion of intergenerational relationships across preschool, school and care home settings.

Assets-based approaches to developing age friendly communities: Learning from the Bristol Ageing Better programme (2021)
Journal Article

Purpose: International attention is increasingly turning to the challenge of creating age-friendly environments. This study aims to examine the application of asset-based approaches in undertaking community development projects with older people. The... Read More about Assets-based approaches to developing age friendly communities: Learning from the Bristol Ageing Better programme.

Integrating food into the curriculum (2021)
Journal Article

This article explores how integrating food as a whole school approach can support learning and teaching in primary science. It reflects on a two year, international study with educational settings in the UK, Denmark and Czech Republic.

Towards an age friendly Bristol? Understanding the context and development of the Bristol Ageing Better programme (2021)

The Bristol Ageing Better (BAB) programme began in 2015 during a time of significant demographic, social, economic, political and policy change. This report looks, not at the projects commissioned by BAB, but at the underlying context. Using research... Read More about Towards an age friendly Bristol? Understanding the context and development of the Bristol Ageing Better programme.

Scaling up action on urban sustainable food systems in the United Kingdom: Agenda setting, networking, and influence (2021)
Journal Article

There has been an increasing focus on the potential of city-based initiatives to address the negative impacts of the global food system. Adopting a meso-level policy perspective, this study aimed to explore whether, how, and why the UK non-government... Read More about Scaling up action on urban sustainable food systems in the United Kingdom: Agenda setting, networking, and influence.

Priorities for social science and humanities research on the challenges of moving beyond animal-based food systems (2021)
Journal Article

Increasingly high-profile research is being undertaken into the socio-environmental challenges associated with the over-production and consumption of food from animals. Transforming food systems to mitigate climate change and hidden hunger, ensure fo... Read More about Priorities for social science and humanities research on the challenges of moving beyond animal-based food systems.

Apart but not alone? A cross-sectional study of neighbour support in a major UK urban area during the COVID-19 lockdown (2020)
Journal Article

Background: Evidence from a range of major public health incidents shows that neighbour-based action can have a critical role in emergency response, assistance and recovery. However, there is little research to date on neighbour-based action during t... Read More about Apart but not alone? A cross-sectional study of neighbour support in a major UK urban area during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Disabled young people's hopes and dreams in a rapidly changing society: A co-production peer research study (2020)
Journal Article

The idea that disabled young people should be at the centre of decision making about their future is promoted in policy, practice and research, yet this often translates into a narrow agenda on transitions through service and benefits systems. In thi... Read More about Disabled young people's hopes and dreams in a rapidly changing society: A co-production peer research study.

The community-based prevention of diabetes (ComPoD) study: A randomised, waiting list controlled trial of a voluntary sector-led diabetes prevention programme (2019)
Journal Article

© 2019 The Author(s). Objective: This two-site randomised trial compared the effectiveness of a voluntary sector-led, community-based diabetes prevention programme to a waiting-list control group at 6 months, and included an observational follow-up o... Read More about The community-based prevention of diabetes (ComPoD) study: A randomised, waiting list controlled trial of a voluntary sector-led diabetes prevention programme.

Integrating local knowledge into a national programme: Evidence from a community-based diabetes prevention education programme (2019)
Journal Article

Type 2 diabetes prevention is a major priority for healthcare services and public health. This study aimed to evaluate how a local authority in England piloted a diabetes prevention programme. The South Gloucestershire Diabetes Prevention (Pilot) Pro... Read More about Integrating local knowledge into a national programme: Evidence from a community-based diabetes prevention education programme.

Exploring the multidisciplinary extent of public health career structures in 12 countries: an exploratory mapping (2018)
Journal Article

Background: While much is known about multidisciplinary public health (MDPH) professional practice in the UK which developed particularly in the 1990s, little is known about it in other settings especially low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Thi... Read More about Exploring the multidisciplinary extent of public health career structures in 12 countries: an exploratory mapping.

ImaYDiT - Imagining young disabled people's transitions in a time of major societal change: Research project report (2018)

ImaYDiT was funded by DRILL – Disability Research for Independent Living and Learning. This is supported by the Big Lottery Fund. WiltsCIL staff, members of WiltsCIL Coproduction
Group and researchers at UWE came up with the original idea for this p... Read More about ImaYDiT - Imagining young disabled people's transitions in a time of major societal change: Research project report.

Every city a food growing city? What food growing Schools London reveals about city strategies for food system sustainability (2018)
Journal Article

© 2018 by the authors. Cities have emerged as leaders in food system innovation and transformation, but their potential can be limited by the absence of supportive governance arrangements. This study examined the value of Food Growing Schools London... Read More about Every city a food growing city? What food growing Schools London reveals about city strategies for food system sustainability.

Employability and career experiences of international graduates of MSc Public Health: a mixed methods study (2018)
Journal Article

© 2018 The Royal Society for Public Health Objectives: This article aims to describe the public health career experiences of international graduates of a Master of Science in Public Health (MSc PH) programme and to contribute to developing the eviden... Read More about Employability and career experiences of international graduates of MSc Public Health: a mixed methods study.

Food Settings and the health and wellbeing of older people: An annotated bibliography and summary of the literature (2017)
Preprint / Working Paper

Little evidence has been collated on the role that food settings play in the health and wellbeing of older people. The purpose of this bibliography is to bring together evidence from a variety of fields and to begin to identify common themes, key lea... Read More about Food Settings and the health and wellbeing of older people: An annotated bibliography and summary of the literature.

Recruitment, employability and career development for international students undertaking the UWE MSc Public Health: Final report (2017)

Executive Summary
Over the last decade, the MSc Public Health at UWE has successfully recruited many international students. An issue for the university in promoting the benefits of the programme internationally is that there is a good c... Read More about Recruitment, employability and career development for international students undertaking the UWE MSc Public Health: Final report.

Association between food for life, a whole setting healthy and sustainable food programme, and primary school children’s consumption of fruit and vegetables: A Cross-Sectional study in England (2017)
Journal Article

© 2017 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The promotion of dietary health is a public health priority in England and in other countries. Research shows that the majority of children do not consume the recommended amount of fruit and v... Read More about Association between food for life, a whole setting healthy and sustainable food programme, and primary school children’s consumption of fruit and vegetables: A Cross-Sectional study in England.

Improving hospital food: Evaluating the impact of the Soil Association Food for Life programme (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

To evaluate the progress of FFL within the hospital setting
A case study approach with three pathfinder organisations working with the SA (Barts Health, South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust and Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust. S... Read More about Improving hospital food: Evaluating the impact of the Soil Association Food for Life programme.

Evaluating the fidelity of implementation of a voluntary sector-led, community-based diabetes prevention and management programme (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Aim: To assess the fidelity of implementation of a community-based diabetes prevention and management programme (“Living Well, Taking Control”, LWTC).

Background: LWTC is a group-based education intervention promoting healthy lifestyle changes for... Read More about Evaluating the fidelity of implementation of a voluntary sector-led, community-based diabetes prevention and management programme.

The Community-based Prevention of Diabetes (ComPoD) trial and service evaluation of the Living Well, Taking Control programme (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Aims: To assess whether an existing community-based diabetes prevention programme delivered by voluntary sector providers is effective in modifying diabetes risk factors in adults with “pre-diabetes”.

Background: Type 2 diabetes is a growing publi... Read More about The Community-based Prevention of Diabetes (ComPoD) trial and service evaluation of the Living Well, Taking Control programme.

Growing Together: A mixed methods evaluation of a community gardening project delivered by a social housing association. Year 1 (2016)

Growing Together is a community gardening project delivered by Alliance Homes on the Bournville estate, Weston-super-Mare. This is the first year report on a mixed methods evaluation of the project.

The record includes a summary version of the re... Read More about Growing Together: A mixed methods evaluation of a community gardening project delivered by a social housing association. Year 1.

Improving hospital food: Evaluating the impact of the Soil Association Food for Life programme (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Food for Life (FFL) is an initiative which aims to encourage a healthy, sustainable food culture in communities, and is led by the Soil Association (SA), a UK charity. Thanks to a Big Lottery Fund grant, FFL have been able to develop the programme wi... Read More about Improving hospital food: Evaluating the impact of the Soil Association Food for Life programme.

Community-based Prevention of Diabetes (ComPoD): A randomised, waiting list controlled trial of the voluntary sector-led Living Well, Taking Control programme (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Type 2 diabetes is a serious, expensive and growing public health challenge. NICE guidance recommends diabetes prevention in people at high risk via intensive lifestyle interventions promoting weight loss. There are few robustly evaluated ‘real-world... Read More about Community-based Prevention of Diabetes (ComPoD): A randomised, waiting list controlled trial of the voluntary sector-led Living Well, Taking Control programme.

Social Return on Investment Report (SROI) final report on a type 2 diabetes prevention and management programme delivered by Westbank CHC (2015)

Final SROI report on Living Well Taking Control, diabetes prevention and management programme delivered by Westbank CHC, Devon.

This is part of a Big Lottery Funded evaluation of South west Wellbeing programme. This led to a total of nine SROI an... Read More about Social Return on Investment Report (SROI) final report on a type 2 diabetes prevention and management programme delivered by Westbank CHC.

Health promotion in the age of social media: Evaluation of Word Press as a platform for developing postgraduate student skills (2014)
Journal Article

Aims: The present study reports on the evaluation of a postgraduate assignment in which students produced a health promotion website. The aim of the study was to examine the application of WordPress as a platform for developing contemporary skills in... Read More about Health promotion in the age of social media: Evaluation of Word Press as a platform for developing postgraduate student skills.

Measuring the economic impact of the wellspring healthy living centre's social prescribing wellbeing programme for low level mental health issues encountered by GP services (2013)

This research evaluates the impacts of a holistic social prescribing Wellbeing Programme delivered by the Wellspring Healthy Living Centre, Bristol. As a holistic social prescribing approach it is representative of many third sector led intervention... Read More about Measuring the economic impact of the wellspring healthy living centre's social prescribing wellbeing programme for low level mental health issues encountered by GP services.

The role of community centre-based arts, leisure and social activities in promoting adult well-being and healthy lifestyles (2013)
Journal Article

Developed countries are experiencing high levels of mental and physical illness associated with long term health conditions, unhealthy lifestyles and an ageing population. Given the limited capacity of the formal health care sector to address these p... Read More about The role of community centre-based arts, leisure and social activities in promoting adult well-being and healthy lifestyles.

Creating a learning environment to promote food sustainability issues in primary schools? Staff perceptions of implementing the food for life partnership programme (2013)
Journal Article

There is increasing interest in the role that schools can play in promoting education for sustainable development (ESD), and evidence is emerging that schools can be influential in the emerging agenda around the ecological, ethical and social aspects... Read More about Creating a learning environment to promote food sustainability issues in primary schools? Staff perceptions of implementing the food for life partnership programme.

Food sustainability education as a route to healthier eating: Evaluation of a multi-component school programme in English primary schools (2012)
Journal Article

Promising approaches to the promotion of healthier eating among children in primary school settings include the opportunity to practise practical cooking and growing, promoting the take up of healthier school meals and nutritional education. However,... Read More about Food sustainability education as a route to healthier eating: Evaluation of a multi-component school programme in English primary schools.

Engaging secondary school students in food-related citizenship: Achievements and challenges of a multi-component programme (2012)
Journal Article

© 2012 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Global food security and sustainability, animal welfare, dietary health, and socially just relations of food production have become prominent societal issues. They are of particular concern fo... Read More about Engaging secondary school students in food-related citizenship: Achievements and challenges of a multi-component programme.

Sustainable sustenance in school: organic, seasonal and local food agendas stretch the public health debate (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

In recent years food in school has become an emotive issue that has captured considerable public attention. School food appears to surface a wide range of contentious social issues that include the boundaries between public and private spheres, cultu... Read More about Sustainable sustenance in school: organic, seasonal and local food agendas stretch the public health debate.

Implementing the Rock Challenge: Young people's perspectives on a drug-prevention and performing-arts programme (2005)
Journal Article

This paper presents the qualitative process findings from an evaluation of a school-based performing arts programme, “Rock Challenge”. Rock Challenge aims to promote healthy life styles “by building resilience amongst young people involved”. The rese... Read More about Implementing the Rock Challenge: Young people's perspectives on a drug-prevention and performing-arts programme.

The practitioner as policy analyst: A study of student reflections of an interprofessional course in higher education (2001)
Journal Article

Health and welfare practitioners in the United Kingdom have experienced and continue to experience considerable turbulence as services and occupational boundaries undergo restructuring. To a significant extent such turbulence is driven by policies th... Read More about The practitioner as policy analyst: A study of student reflections of an interprofessional course in higher education.

Shaping the interprofessional agenda: A study examining qualified nurses' perceptions of learning with others (2001)
Journal Article

This paper presents the findings of a survey of post-qualified nursing students undertaking an interprofessional studies programme in a higher education institution. The total population of students surveyed included nurses, midwives, social workers... Read More about Shaping the interprofessional agenda: A study examining qualified nurses' perceptions of learning with others.

The social value of a community-based health project: Healthy living wessex social return on investment report

This report examines the social and economic value of Healthy Living Wessex’s Activate Your Life, a project designed to promote healthier lifestyles for people vulnerable to poor health through weight-related issues. It presents the findings of an as... Read More about The social value of a community-based health project: Healthy living wessex social return on investment report.

Community-based Prevention of Diabetes (ComPoD): A randomised, waiting list controlled trial of the Living Well, Taking Control programme
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Type 2 diabetes is a growing public health challenge. NICE guidance recommends diabetes prevention in people at high risk via intensive lifestyle interventions promoting weight loss through diet and physical activity. However, there are few robustly... Read More about Community-based Prevention of Diabetes (ComPoD): A randomised, waiting list controlled trial of the Living Well, Taking Control programme.