Ruby Wax: Comedy, celebrity capital, and (re)presentations of mental illness
Book Chapter
Sherryl Wilson's Outputs (19)
The life review and the (alternative) politics of ageing (2017)
Journal Article
© Edinburgh University Press. Referencing Diana Athill's memoir, Alive, Alive Oh! And Other Things That Matter (2015), this article organises an analysis of the BBC television dramas A Cream Cracker under the Settee (1988) and She's Been Away (1989)... Read More about The life review and the (alternative) politics of ageing.
In the Living Room: Second Screens and TV Audiences (2016)
Journal Article
© The Author(s) 2015. This article is based on a small pilot project exploring the role, function, and meanings of second screens and companion apps for TV audiences that is contextualized by existing academic audience research. This is mapped alongs... Read More about In the Living Room: Second Screens and TV Audiences.
She’s Been Away: Ageing, madness and memory (2014)
Book Chapter
She’s Been Away is a television drama written by Stephen Poliakoff and broadcast in the UK on the BBC in 1989. This paper discusses the ways in which the play unusually presents a feminist critique of contemporary patriarchal structures through the m... Read More about She’s Been Away: Ageing, madness and memory.
Broadcasting and the NHS in the Thatcherite 1980s: The challenge to public service (2013)
The very idea of 'public service' came under fierce attack in the Thatcherite 1980s. Broadcasting and the NHS in the Thatcherite 1980s takes the two key services, broadcasting and the NHS, and traces the heated debates and political pressures which... Read More about Broadcasting and the NHS in the Thatcherite 1980s: The challenge to public service.
Beyond patriarchy: Six Feet Under and the older woman (2012)
Book Chapter
The chapter explores the ways in which ageing femininities are constructed in the TV drama Six Feet under by looking at the characters of Ruth Fisher and her friend Bettina. The chapter argues that through the rule breaking, unruly bhaviour, the TV s... Read More about Beyond patriarchy: Six Feet Under and the older woman.
Dramatizing madness: In two minds and 1960s counter-cultural politics (2012)
Journal Article
This article explores the TV drama In Two Minds (BBC1, 1967) which was broadcast as a part of the Wednesday Play series. I argue that the play is the product of a constellation of social, cultural and institutional forces that dramatizes the avant-ga... Read More about Dramatizing madness: In two minds and 1960s counter-cultural politics.
Dramatising madness: In two minds and 1960s counter-cultural politics (2012)
Journal Article
Representations of health care in the age of Thatcher (2012)
Journal Article
Angels (2009)
Journal Article
An article written on the BBC drama Angels for Videoactive, a project funded within the eContentplus programme of the European Commission. This is an EU funded project that aims to create access to television archives across Europe in order to enabl... Read More about Angels.
Television talk shows (2009)
Journal Article
An article written on the history of TV talk shows for Videoactive, a project funded within the eContentplus programme of the European Commission. This is an EU funded project that aims to create access to television archives across Europe in order... Read More about Television talk shows.
Women, ageing and media workshops (2008)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
The Women, Ageing and Media (WAM) research group secured Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funding in 2008 to run a series of workshops and an international conference in order to conduct a sustained investigation into proliferating print,... Read More about Women, ageing and media workshops.
It was a "mascara runnin’ kinda day": Oprah Winfrey, confession, celebrity and the formation of trust (2007)
Book Chapter
Oprah Winfrey is a very popular figure in contemporary American culture. Often described as 'authentic', the chapter explores the ways in which Winfrey deploys confessional practices on her TV talk show as a means to engender trust.
White picket fences, domestic containment and female subjectivity: the quest for romantic love (2006)
Book Chapter
The chapter explores the representation of feminine desire for romantic love in the TV drama Desperate Housewives. It argues that the show recalls and articulates a pre-feminist sensibility.
Real people with real problems?: Public service broadcasting, commercialism and Trisha (2005)
Book Chapter
Between 1998 and 2004 Anglia Television produced Trisha, a 60 minute talk show broadcast every week day morning across the ITV network. The show attracted high numbers of viewers for that time of day and for some commentators Trisha Goddard’s move to... Read More about Real people with real problems?: Public service broadcasting, commercialism and Trisha.
‘No need for fear or secrets’: Ruth Fisher and grotesque realism in Six Feet Under (2004)
Journal Article
The paper explores the ways in the which the figure of the older woman is constructed and deployed in the TV drama Six Feet Under.
Oprah, celebrity and formations of self (2003)
Examining the phenomenon of the Oprah Winfrey Show within the context of contemporary American culture, the book considers the reasons for the popularity of this television programme. It explores Winfrey's celebrity persona, the ways in which indivi... Read More about Oprah, celebrity and formations of self.
This two year research project (January 2008-January 2010) funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council was based within the Centre for Broadcasting History Research at Bournemouth University. It investigated the ways in which UK television and... Read More about There’s no such thing as society?: A study of broadcasting and the public services under the three Thatcher governments, 1979-1992.