Art as data set, data set as art: Training machine vision systems to see as artists
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Doctor Daniel Buzzo's Outputs (32)
The rhythm of the robot: A prolegomenon to posthuman somaesthetics (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
This work-in-progress paper describes an investigation into the somaesthetic qualities of exploring posthuman strategies and relations with technology. This was done through bodystorming and physical prototyping, casting soft robots directly onto the... Read More about The rhythm of the robot: A prolegomenon to posthuman somaesthetics.
Signs of surveillance (2020)
Book Chapter
This writing discusses the challenges of working with complex digital in- formation, visual images, meta-data and temporal and geo-spatial information, as raw materials for artistic expression. In the chapter the reader will have an insight into the... Read More about Signs of surveillance.
The aesthetics of volumetric photography for virtual reality (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Volumetric imaging (true 3D image capture, as opposed to left/right stereo imaging) is being recognised as a new arena for recording images of the real world. Much of the current work in this arena investigates the technical aspects of volumetric mov... Read More about The aesthetics of volumetric photography for virtual reality.
A cognitive vernacular for the internet of things? (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
As the spread of engineer culture is embossed upon the minds of those increasingly ordering and interacting with their lives and that of the lives of others (for the current zeitgeist of technology is to mediate and interpose in rather than directly... Read More about A cognitive vernacular for the internet of things?.
What do we know of space and time when all we can know for real is here and now? (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
'What do we know of space and time time when all we can know for real is here and now?' is a 360 degree immersive video film.
Combining 360 video footage of dérive walks shot in Hong Kong during 2017 and short video ’moments of noticing’ collected... Read More about What do we know of space and time when all we can know for real is here and now?.
The Volca project: A multi-sensory camera for augmented reality (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
The Volca project is a speculative photography research project that is in parts a proposal, a sensory experiment and also continual work in progress.
Volca is an experimental camera apparatus for recording what Flusser [8, 9] would term ’technical... Read More about The Volca project: A multi-sensory camera for augmented reality.
The Volca project: A sensory experiment in collaborative visualisation (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
The Volca project is a speculative photography research project that is in parts a proposal, a sensory experiment and also continual work in progress. Volca is an experi- mental camera apparatus for recording what Flusser [8, 9] would term ’technical... Read More about The Volca project: A sensory experiment in collaborative visualisation.
Temporal representations in human computer interaction: Designing for the lived experience of time (2017)
Temporal representations in Human Computer Interaction: is a portfolio of peer reviewed papers and media artworks representing several years of investigation, experimental making, and study into the perceptions and representation of time in digital m... Read More about Temporal representations in human computer interaction: Designing for the lived experience of time.
The time machine: A multiscreen generative video artwork (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
© 2017 Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). 'The Time Machine' is a multi-screen, high-performance, generative video art installation based around multiple low cost computer platforms. Using algorithmic selection of palindromic loops of timelaps... Read More about The time machine: A multiscreen generative video artwork.
Looking Down (2017)
This book is the third in a series from an exploratory photo study looking up and down and at small things and large things.
It was shot in Hong Kong over 14 days in January 2016.
Perfect days: A benevolent calendar to take back your time (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
“Time poverty” touches upon a tension between the ever increasing time demands of work and the time needed for people to engage in further, intrinsically meaningful, wellbeing-enhancing activities. At the heart of this drama is the digital calendar.... Read More about Perfect days: A benevolent calendar to take back your time.
Tracking the imperceptible: Designs to visualise time dilation (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
In our project we developed TimeTravel, a design for visualising personal time dilation. Time dilation is the effect on time that movement in space produces. Predicted by Einstein’s Special theory of relativity (1905) and verified by practical experi... Read More about Tracking the imperceptible: Designs to visualise time dilation.
JourneyMap: Visualising the time-bound student journey (2016)
Book Chapter
A student’s view of higher education is often talked about as ‘transformative’ and as a ‘journey’ or ‘pathway’. The student experience of university is time-bound, covering a clearly specified duration. From a
learner’s perspective the Higher Educat... Read More about JourneyMap: Visualising the time-bound student journey.
What do we know of time when all we can know for real is now? (2016)
Book Chapter
How long is a moment ? How does a moment feel ? What is the past, what is the future ?
The Moments project investigates the perceptual length of ’a moment’ of attention and of the historical tension between the argument for and against time in the... Read More about What do we know of time when all we can know for real is now?.
Designing for the impossible: Creating a mobile application to track time travel (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
In this paper we discuss the development of TimeTravel, a mobile application for tracking personal time dilation. Time dilation is the relativistic warping effect on time that velocity and gravity produces.
Predicted by Einstein's Special theory of... Read More about Designing for the impossible: Creating a mobile application to track time travel.
How to develop and maintain an on-line community of co-learners: A social media classroom (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
The modular nature of courses and the fragmenting pressures of Higher Education schedules can make it difficult to create and/or maintain any semblance of a community of practice (i.e. one in which the discussion of learning and around learning is op... Read More about How to develop and maintain an on-line community of co-learners: A social media classroom.
Not all days are equal: Investigating the meaning in the digital calendar (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Copyright © 2015 ACM. The electronic calendar is a common tool used by large numbers of people to reect and shape their daily activities. It's function and structure is rooted in legacy representations dating back thousands of years. Collaborating wi... Read More about Not all days are equal: Investigating the meaning in the digital calendar.
Collaborating with intelligent machines (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Time travel: Time dilation (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
In this paper I discuss the theory and actuality of the effects of Time Dilation, as predicted by Einstein’s Special Relativity. Alongside this the research investigates the visible, experiential effects of most personal form of Time Travel from a pe... Read More about Time travel: Time dilation.