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Cobus Jooste's Outputs (40)

A right to read object code – software copyright law and the development of a decompilation exception in South Africa (2021)
Journal Article

The opportunity to read and extract knowledge from a lawfully obtained copy of any published work is a cornerstone of copyright law, except in the case of computer programs. This article examines the development of an exception to copyright protectio... Read More about A right to read object code – software copyright law and the development of a decompilation exception in South Africa.

Decompilation and copyright in ideas - The protection of non-literal elements of computer software and the idea/expression dichotomy (2020)

The maxim, that copyright law does not protect ideas, is frequently challenged when the established principles are tested against new forms of expression or exploitation of a work. The evolution of computer programs, its unique characteristics and th... Read More about Decompilation and copyright in ideas - The protection of non-literal elements of computer software and the idea/expression dichotomy.

The plagiarist on trial (2018)
Journal Article

It is true that plagiarism is not a legal concept in the strict sense. It is not defined by any statute or specifically regulated by the common law. Neither industry-specific codes nor policy amount to law, regardless of their consequences. However,... Read More about The plagiarist on trial.

The troubled nexus of ICT and IP law reform - The regulation of content aggregation, freedom of expression and intellectual property rights (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The impact of social media as a tool for the protection of civil and political rights, particularly during periods of civil unrest, political turmoil or democratic dispute, is well established. In the African context, the role of technologically-aide... Read More about The troubled nexus of ICT and IP law reform - The regulation of content aggregation, freedom of expression and intellectual property rights.