Iwona Serruys Iwona.Gajda@uwe.ac.uk
Senior Lecturer in Engineering Management
All People (1804)
Shilan Shah-Davis Shilan.Shah@uwe.ac.uk
School Director (Academic)
Teresa Shalofsky Teresa.Shalofsky@uwe.ac.uk
Portfolio Lead: Workforce Development
Jennifer Shannon Jennifer4.Shannon@uwe.ac.uk
Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing
Abdullah Sharif-Dashty
Senior Engineer (Data)
Nisha Sharma Nisha2.Sharma@live.uwe.ac.uk
Nicholas Sharratt Nick.Sharratt@uwe.ac.uk
Research Fellow in Centre for Appearance Research
Pauline Shaw Pauline.Shaw@uwe.ac.uk
Subject Support Librarian: HLS
Ali Shaw Ali.Shaw@uwe.ac.uk
Occasional Associate Lecturer - CHSS
Rob Sheffield Rob.Sheffield@uwe.ac.uk
Occasional Associate Lecturer - CBAL - BAM
Adam Sheppard Adam.Sheppard@uwe.ac.uk
AHOD in Partnerships
Ian Shergold Ian2.Shergold@uwe.ac.uk
TSU Senior Research Fellow in Rural Mobility TIMESHEETS NOM
Mary-Ann Sherratt Mary-ann.Sherratt@uwe.ac.uk
Occasional Associate Lecturer - CHSS - SHSW
Kim Sherwood Kim.Sherwood@uwe.ac.uk
Senior Lecturer in Creative and Professional Writing
Dr Anna Shiel Anna.Shiel@uwe.ac.uk
Bid Developer - Science and Health
Dr. Neeti Shikha Neeti.Shikha@uwe.ac.uk
Lecturer in Law
Heather Short Heather2.Short@uwe.ac.uk
Portfolio Lead: Apprenticeship Enhancement
Harriet Shortt Harriet.Shortt@uwe.ac.uk
Associate Professor in Organisation Studies
Sue Shreeve Susan.Shreeve@uwe.ac.uk
College Librarian
Francisco Sierra Fanlo Francisco.Sierra@uwe.ac.uk
Senior Lecturer in Design and Construction Technology