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Handling uncertainty in transport planning and decision making - Report of a roundtable discussion held in London on 20 July 2018 (2018)

In the 1700s, the French philosopher Voltaire reportedly said “Uncertainty is an uncomfortable position. But certainty is an absurd one.” The transport sector is becoming increasingly alive to how uncertain the future is. There is significant (or ‘de... Read More about Handling uncertainty in transport planning and decision making - Report of a roundtable discussion held in London on 20 July 2018.

UWE Celebrating Bristol Green Capital 2015 - Activities portfolio (supporting document for UWE Celebrating Bristol Green Capital 2015 activities catalogue) (2016)

This Activities Portfolio details projects, events and initiatives which represent the work of hundreds of UWE staff and students during Bristol's year as European Green Capital in 2015. It is the working file to accompany the UWE Green Capital 2015... Read More about UWE Celebrating Bristol Green Capital 2015 - Activities portfolio (supporting document for UWE Celebrating Bristol Green Capital 2015 activities catalogue).

Ecosystem services and the environment. In-depth report 11 produced for the European Commission, DG Environment (2015)

Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity:

Ecosystems provide a multitude of benefits to humanity, from food, clean water and flood protection to cultural heritage and a sense of place, to name but a few. However, many of these benefits, known as ‘ecosy... Read More about Ecosystem services and the environment. In-depth report 11 produced for the European Commission, DG Environment.

Rees Jeffreys Road Fund study: Major roads for the future - Identifying network users and their characteristics (2015)

The Rees Jeffreys Road Fund (RJRF) has commissioned an ambitious two-year study of major roads in England with a horizon of 2040. There are seven topics of interest, and the first topic of interest has two tasks, one of which (Task 1B) is to identify... Read More about Rees Jeffreys Road Fund study: Major roads for the future - Identifying network users and their characteristics.

Family Rituals 2.0 (2015)

The notion of family is broad (and changing) and encompasses a variety of different social structures beyond the classic conception of the nuclear family yet it is a cornerstone of our social worlds. Even as many in ‘Western’ society follow the trend... Read More about Family Rituals 2.0.

Future demand: How could or should our transport system evolve in order to support mobility in the future? (2014)

New Zealand’s land transport programme has a current expenditure target for the next ten years of $38.7bn including $10bn to change the shape of the road network and improve its quality and capacity. Yet such investment plans are in the face of a cou... Read More about Future demand: How could or should our transport system evolve in order to support mobility in the future?.