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All Outputs (42)

Perceived accessibility of employment sites by jobseekers and the potential relevance of employer-subsidised demand responsive transport to enhance the commute (2022)
Journal Article

The constraints placed by the transport options available to job-seekers are key factors for the accessibility of employment locations and therefore social inclusion. The present paper investigates the importance of these constraints and the potentia... Read More about Perceived accessibility of employment sites by jobseekers and the potential relevance of employer-subsidised demand responsive transport to enhance the commute.

Exploring the use and perception of shared bikes for commuting and business travel on the urban fringe (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Globally, bike-share schemes are in a state of flux; 1,977 public schemes are currently operating but another 835 have closed (Meddin et al., 2021), as new ‘fifth generation’ schemes (typically dockless) compete with each other and squeeze the more m... Read More about Exploring the use and perception of shared bikes for commuting and business travel on the urban fringe.

New opportunities for on-demand shared-ride services to deliver modal shift and inclusive travel (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

On-demand shared-ride services promise new opportunities for modal shift and inclusive travel. This paper draws on evidence from the industrial-collaborative project ‘Mobility on Demand Laboratory Environment’ (MODLE) which has piloted a range of suc... Read More about New opportunities for on-demand shared-ride services to deliver modal shift and inclusive travel.

Business models being trialled in the shared-ride on-demand niche, and challenges and barriers encountered (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper evaluates the growing range of business models being applied within on-demand shared-ride road transport niches. Whilst examples of such services are long-standing; arguably as old as road passenger transport, new technologies have opened... Read More about Business models being trialled in the shared-ride on-demand niche, and challenges and barriers encountered.

The potential for personalised public transport solutions to enhance job seekers' access to employment sites. (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

This paper examines the importance of the accessibility of employment locations to job-seekers’ perceived work options. It investigates the potential of an employment site-oriented Personalised Collective Transport Service (PCTS) to help solve the li... Read More about The potential for personalised public transport solutions to enhance job seekers' access to employment sites..