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Low dose ionizing radiation produces too few reactive oxygen species to directly affect antioxidant concentrations in cells (2012)
Journal Article

It has been hypothesized that radiation-induced oxidative stress is the mechanism for a wide range of negative impacts on biota living in radioactively contaminated areas around Chernobyl. The present study tests this hypothesis mechanistically, for... Read More about Low dose ionizing radiation produces too few reactive oxygen species to directly affect antioxidant concentrations in cells.

Differential redox potential between the human cytosolic and mitochondrial branched-chain aminotransferase (2012)
Journal Article

The human branched-chain aminotransferase (hBCAT) isoenzymes are CXXC motif redox sensitive homodimers central to glutamate metabolism in the central nervous system. These proteins respond differently to oxidation by H 2O 2, NO, and S-glutathionylati... Read More about Differential redox potential between the human cytosolic and mitochondrial branched-chain aminotransferase.

Translationally controlled tumour protein (TCTP) is a novel glucose-regulated protein that is important for survival of pancreatic beta cells (2011)
Journal Article

Aims/hypothesis: This study used proteomics and biochemical approaches to identify novel glucose-regulated proteins and to unveil their role in pancreatic beta cell function. Translationally controlled tumour protein (TCTP) was identified to be one s... Read More about Translationally controlled tumour protein (TCTP) is a novel glucose-regulated protein that is important for survival of pancreatic beta cells.

Assessment of the influence of different sample processing and cold storage duration on plant free proline content analyses (2010)
Journal Article

Introduction - A method which is widely accepted for the analysis of free proline content in plant tissues is based on the use of 3% sulfosalicylic acid as an extractant, followed by spectrophotometric quantification of a proline-ninhydrin complex in... Read More about Assessment of the influence of different sample processing and cold storage duration on plant free proline content analyses.

A proteomic analysis of oligo(dT)-bound mRNP containing oxidative stress-induced Arabidopsis thaliana RNA-binding proteins ATGRP7 and ATGRP8 (2010)
Journal Article

Plants are highly adapted to respond to a range of environmental stresses commonly by altering their gene expression and metabolism as a result of cell signalling which may be mediated by reactive oxygen species. The glycine-rich RNA-binding proteins... Read More about A proteomic analysis of oligo(dT)-bound mRNP containing oxidative stress-induced Arabidopsis thaliana RNA-binding proteins ATGRP7 and ATGRP8.