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All Outputs (27)

The application of ‘elite interviewing’ methodology in transdisciplinary research: A record of process and lessons learned during a 3-year pilot in urban planetary health research (2021)
Journal Article

This paper sets out the rationale and process for the interviewing methodology utilized during a 3-year research pilot, ‘Moving Health Upstream in Urban Development’ (UPSTREAM). The project had two primary aims: firstly, to attempt to value economica... Read More about The application of ‘elite interviewing’ methodology in transdisciplinary research: A record of process and lessons learned during a 3-year pilot in urban planetary health research.

Overcoming systemic barriers preventing healthy urban development in the UK: Main findings from interviewing senior decision-makers during a 3-year planetary health pilot (2021)
Journal Article

This paper sets out the main findings from two rounds of interviews with senior representatives from the UK’s urban development industry: the third and final phase of a 3-year pilot, Moving Health Upstream in Urban Development’ (UPSTREAM). The projec... Read More about Overcoming systemic barriers preventing healthy urban development in the UK: Main findings from interviewing senior decision-makers during a 3-year planetary health pilot.

Designing healthier neighbourhoods: A systematic review of the impact of the neighbourhood design on health and wellbeing (2020)
Journal Article

Several studies have investigated the impact of neighbourhood design on health and wellbeing, yet there are limited reviews investigating the quality of the evidence and the most effective interventions at a population level. This systematic review a... Read More about Designing healthier neighbourhoods: A systematic review of the impact of the neighbourhood design on health and wellbeing.

Exploring the views of planners and public health practitioners on integrating health evidence into spatial planning in England: A mixed-methods study (2020)
Journal Article

Background: This study explored barriers and facilitators to integrating health evidence into spatial planning at local authority levels and examined the awareness and use of the Public Health England Spatial Planning for Health resource.
Methods:... Read More about Exploring the views of planners and public health practitioners on integrating health evidence into spatial planning in England: A mixed-methods study.

Methods of identifying and recruiting older people at risk of social isolation and loneliness: A mixed methods review (2019)
Journal Article

Loneliness and social isolation are major determinants of mental wellbeing, especially among older adults. The effectiveness of interventions to address loneliness and social isolation among older adults has been questioned due to the lac... Read More about Methods of identifying and recruiting older people at risk of social isolation and loneliness: A mixed methods review.

Barriers and facilitators of physical activity among adults and older adults from Black and Minority Ethnic groups in the UK: A systematic review of qualitative studies (2019)
Journal Article

Older adults from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups experience a relatively higher burden of physical inactivity compared with their counterparts from non-BME groups. Despite the increasing number of qualitative studies investigating the barrier... Read More about Barriers and facilitators of physical activity among adults and older adults from Black and Minority Ethnic groups in the UK: A systematic review of qualitative studies.

The state of the evidence: What we know, and don’t know, about the interaction of environment and health (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

As part of the Wellcome Trust-funded UPSTREAM project, a systematic review compiled evidence investigating the impact on health and wellbeing of five thematic areas of urban development design: transport, buildings, food, natural environment, and nei... Read More about The state of the evidence: What we know, and don’t know, about the interaction of environment and health.

Exploring the multidisciplinary extent of public health career structures in 12 countries: an exploratory mapping (2018)
Journal Article

Background: While much is known about multidisciplinary public health (MDPH) professional practice in the UK which developed particularly in the 1990s, little is known about it in other settings especially low and middle-income countries (LMICs). Thi... Read More about Exploring the multidisciplinary extent of public health career structures in 12 countries: an exploratory mapping.

Barriers and facilitators of physical activity among Black and Minority Ethnic adults and older adults in the United Kingdom: A meta-ethnographic study (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Introduction: Older adults from socially disadvantaged groups and BME groups experience a relatively higher burden of physical inactivity. BME communities in the UK experience a considerably higher burden of disease than non-BME counterparts. Despite... Read More about Barriers and facilitators of physical activity among Black and Minority Ethnic adults and older adults in the United Kingdom: A meta-ethnographic study.

Employability and career experiences of international graduates of MSc Public Health: a mixed methods study (2018)
Journal Article

© 2018 The Royal Society for Public Health Objectives: This article aims to describe the public health career experiences of international graduates of a Master of Science in Public Health (MSc PH) programme and to contribute to developing the eviden... Read More about Employability and career experiences of international graduates of MSc Public Health: a mixed methods study.

Spatial planning for health: An evidence resource for planning and designing healthy places (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Introduction: There is considerable debate about the strength and quality of the evidence base which underpins principles of good design of the lived environment and the causal pathways to good mental and physical health. In England, there has been n... Read More about Spatial planning for health: An evidence resource for planning and designing healthy places.