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Household behaviour in installing property-level flood adaptations: A literature review

Everett, Glyn; Lamond, Jessica

Household behaviour in installing property-level flood adaptations: A literature review Thumbnail


Jessica Lamond
College Dean for Research & Enterprise


C. A. Brebbia


The research presents a brief overview of the published literature concerning household behaviour with regard to installing flood protection measures in the UK; people’s desire and their ability to act are considered, before looking at the literature around public perceptions of arguably more sustainable, ‘blue-green’ approaches to flood-risk management. Interesting contrasts are found in these two different forms of adaptations to address flood risk (‘structural’ and ‘sustainable’); however it is demonstrated that a paucity of research exists in this area, particularly around medium- to longer-term behavioural adaptations to sustainable approaches, and so suggestions are made for further research to help develop our understanding.

Publication Date Jan 1, 2013
Publicly Available Date Jun 7, 2019
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Book Title Sustainable Cities 2013
Keywords floods, flood risk management (FRM), sustainable drainage systems (SuDS), sustainable, blue-green, knowledge co-construction
Public URL


WIT SusCit Household Behaviour LitRev.docx (108 Kb)

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