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Utilising Openair to support multi-stakeholder engagement and the resolution of air quality issues

Hayes, Enda T; Chatterton, Tim; Barnes, Jo; Longhurst, James


Profile image of Enda Hayes

Enda Hayes
Prof in Air Quality & Carbon Management/School Director (Research & Enterprise)

Tim Chatterton


For key stakeholders to make informed air quality management decisions it is often necessary for in-depth data analysis to be tailored and concisely presented to meet their needs. Given the complexity of sources, the abundance of relevant data (e.g. monitoring, modelling, process data) and the spatial and temporal scale of these issues, the provision of this information can be challenging, particularly with multiple stakeholders requiring varying outputs. Using a case study which investigated PM10 in the vicinity of a steelworks, this paper will illustrate how Openair (an open-source air pollution analysis package based on the programming language/statistical package R ( can be utilised to analyse relevant air pollution data on a spatial and temporal scale in order to support multi-stakeholder engagement and the resolution of air quality issues.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Dec 1, 2013
Journal Clean Air Journal
Print ISSN 1017-1703
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 23
Issue 1
Pages 23-31
Keywords air quality management, Openair, particulate matter, air pollution analysis, multi-stakeholder engagement
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