Xavier Walter
A new design of membraneless microbial fuel cell: Anode and cathode share the same self-stratified electrolyte of urine
Walter, Xavier; Gajda, Iwona; Greenman, John; Ieropoulos, Ioannis
Iwona Gajda
John Greenman john.greenman@uwe.ac.uk
Yannis Ieropoulos Ioannis2.Ieropoulos@uwe.ac.uk
Professor in Bioenergy & Director of B-B
Viviana Cigolotti
Chiara Barchiesi
Michela Chianella
Regardless of architecture, microbial fuel cell technology requires a plurality of units to achieve exploitable electrical power. This implies that each unit needs a simple design allowing the production of the needed multiplicity. Here, we present a novel design of two membraneless MFC stacks in which the anode and cathode share the same electrolyte. This design relies on the self-stratification of a liquid under the natural activity of the microbial consortia thriving in the system. Results showed that individual stacks reached a power density of ∼20 W.m3 at 390 mV under 40 Ω. Oxygen concentration showed that the oxycline was at 0.25-0.5 cm depth (total depth of 7.5 cm). Hence, oxygen was not the dominant electron acceptor in the liquid phase. In conclusion, this simple design of microbial fuel cell demonstrated that high power density was reached even if the anode and cathode shared the same electrolyte.
Presentation Conference Type | Conference Paper (published) |
Conference Name | Proceedings of the 6th European Fuel Cell - Piero Lunghi Conference, EFC 2015 |
Start Date | Dec 16, 2015 |
End Date | Dec 18, 2015 |
Acceptance Date | Jan 1, 2015 |
Online Publication Date | Dec 31, 2015 |
Publication Date | Dec 31, 2015 |
Deposit Date | Nov 16, 2020 |
Pages | 315-316 |
Book Title | Proceedings of the 6th European Fuel Cell - Piero Lunghi Conference, EFC 2015 |
ISBN | 9788882863241 |
Keywords | Cathode functioning, nitrogen cycle, membraneless stacks, self-stratifying column |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/6834877 |
Publisher URL | https://www.enea.it/it/seguici/pubblicazioni/pdf-volumi/proceedings_EFC15_web.pdf |
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