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The feasibility of measuring calprotectin from a throat swab as a marker of infections caused by group A streptococcus: a case–control feasibility study

Schofield, Behnaz; Gregory, Clive; Gal, Micaela; Gillespie, David; Naik, Gurudutt; Hay, Alastair; Francis, Nick


Clive Gregory

Micaela Gal

David Gillespie

Gurudutt Naik

Alastair Hay

Nick Francis


Background Most people with sore throat do not benefit from antibiotic treatment, but nearly three-quarters of those presenting in primary care are prescribed antibiotics. A test that is predictive of bacterial infection could help guide antibiotic prescribing. Calprotectin is a biomarker of neutrophilic inflammation, and may be a useful marker of bacterial throat infections.

Aim To assess the feasibility of measuring calprotectin from throat swabs, and assess whether individuals with sore throats likely to be caused by streptococcal infections have apparently higher throat calprotectin levels than other individuals with sore throat and healthy volunteers.

Design & setting A proof of concept case–control study was undertaken, which compared primary care patients with sore throats and healthy volunteers.

Method Baseline characteristics and throat swabs were collected from 30 primary care patients with suspected streptococcal sore throat, and throat swabs were taken from 10 volunteers without sore throat. Calprotectin level determination and rapid antigen streptococcal testing were conducted on the throat swab eluents. Calprotectin levels in the following groups were compared: volunteers without a sore throat; all patients with a sore throat; patients with a sore throat testing either negative or positive for streptococcal antigen; and those with lower and higher scores on clinical prediction rules for streptococcal sore throat.

Results Calprotectin was detected in all throat swab samples. Mean calprotectin levels were numerically higher in patients with sore throat compared with healthy volunteers, and sore throat patients who had group A streptococci antigen detected compared with those who did not.

Conclusion Calprotectin can be measured from throat swab samples and levels are consistent with the hypothesis that streptococcal infection leads to higher throat calprotectin levels. This hypothesis will be tested in a larger study.

leukocyte L1 antigen complexpharyngitisanti-bacterial agentsgroup A streptococciprimary health carecalprotectinsore throatantibiotics

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 23, 2019
Online Publication Date Apr 1, 2020
Publication Date Jun 1, 2020
Deposit Date Apr 20, 2020
Publicly Available Date Apr 23, 2020
Journal BJGP Open
Electronic ISSN 2398-3795
Publisher Royal College of General Practitioners
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 4
Issue 2
Pages bjgpopen20X101006
Keywords leukocyte L1 antigen complex, pharyngitis, anti-bacterial agents, group A streptococci, primary health care, calprotectin, sore throat, antibiotics
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