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Multi-precision convolutional neural networks on heterogeneous hardware

Amiri, Sam; Hosseinabady, Mohamma; McIntosh-Smith, Simon; Nunez-Yanez, Jose


Sam Amiri

Mohamma Hosseinabady

Simon McIntosh-Smith

Jose Nunez-Yanez


Fully binarised convolutional neural networks (CNNs) deliver very high inference performance using single-bit weights and activations, together with XNOR type operators for the kernel convolutions. Current research shows that full binarisation results in a degradation of accuracy and different approaches to tackle this issue are being investigated such as using more complex models as accuracy reduces. This paper proposes an alternative based on a multi-precision CNN frame-work that combines a binarised and a floating point CNN in a pipeline configuration deployed on heterogeneous hardware. The binarised CNN is mapped onto an FPGA device and used to perform inference over the whole input set while the floating point network is mapped onto a CPU device and performs re-inference only when the classification confidence level is low. A light-weight confidence mechanism enables a flexible trade-off between accuracy and throughput. To demonstrate the concept, we choose a Zynq 7020 device as the hardware target and show that the multi-precision network is able to increase the BNN accuracy from 78.5% to 82.5% and the CPU inference speed from 29.68 to 90.82 images/sec.

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (published)
Conference Name 2018 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition
Start Date Sep 11, 2018
Online Publication Date Apr 23, 2018
Publication Date Apr 23, 2018
Deposit Date Dec 11, 2023
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Pages 419-424
Book Title 2018 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition
ISBN 9783981926316
Public URL