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Treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms in men in primary care using a conservative intervention: Cluster randomised controlled trial

Drake, Marcus J.; Worthington, Jo; Frost, Jessica; Sanderson, Emily; Cochrane, Madeleine; Cotterill, Nikki; Fader, Mandy; McGeagh, Lucy; Hashim, Hashim; MacAulay, Margaret; Rees, Jonathan; Robles, Luke A.; Taylor, Gordon; Taylor, Jodi; Ridd, Matthew J.; MacNeill, Stephanie J.; Noble, Sian; Lane, J. Athene

Treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms in men in primary care using a conservative intervention: Cluster randomised controlled trial Thumbnail


Marcus J. Drake

Jo Worthington

Jessica Frost

Emily Sanderson

Madeleine Cochrane

Profile image of Nikki Cotterill

N Nikki Cotterill
Professor of Long Term Conditions (Continence Care)

Mandy Fader

Lucy McGeagh

Hashim Hashim

Margaret MacAulay

Jonathan Rees

Luke A. Robles

Gordon Taylor

Jodi Taylor

Matthew J. Ridd

Stephanie J. MacNeill

Sian Noble

J. Athene Lane


Objective: To determine whether a standardised and manualised care intervention in men in primary care could achieve superior improvement of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) compared with usual care. Design: Cluster randomised controlled trial. Setting: 30 National Health Service general practice sites in England. Participants: Sites were randomised 1:1 to the intervention and control arms. 1077 men (≥18 years) with bothersome LUTS recruited between June 2018 and August 2019: 524 were assigned to the intervention arm (n=17 sites) and 553 were assigned to the usual care arm (n=13 sites). Intervention: Standardised information booklet developed with patient and expert input, providing guidance on conservative and lifestyle interventions for LUTS in men. After assessment of urinary symptoms (manualised element), general practice nurses and healthcare assistants or research nurses directed participants to relevant sections of the manual and provided contact over 12 weeks to assist with adherence. Main outcome measures: The primary outcome was patient reported International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) measured 12 months after participants had consented to take part in the study. The target reduction of 2.0 points on which the study was powered reflects the minimal clinically important difference where baseline IPSS is <20. Secondary outcomes were patient reported quality of life, urinary symptoms and perception of LUTS, hospital referrals, and adverse events. The primary intention-to-treat analysis included 887 participants (82% of those recruited) and used a mixed effects multilevel linear regression model adjusted for site level variables used in the randomisation and baseline scores. Results: Participants in the intervention arm had a lower mean IPSS at 12 months (adjusted mean difference -1.81 points, 95% confidence interval -2.66 to -0.95) indicating less severe urinary symptoms than those in the usual care arm. LUTS specific quality of life, incontinence, and perception of LUTS also improved more in the intervention arm than usual care arm at 12 months. The proportion of urology referrals (intervention 7.3%, usual care 7.9%) and adverse events (intervention seven events, usual care eight events) were comparable between the arms. Conclusions: A standardised and manualised intervention in primary care showed a sustained reduction in LUTS in men at 12 months. The mean difference of -1.81 points (95% confidence interval -0.95 to -2.66) on the IPSS was less than the predefined target reduction of 2.0 points. Trial registration: ISRCTN Registry ISRCTN11669964.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 2, 2023
Online Publication Date Nov 15, 2023
Publication Date Nov 15, 2023
Deposit Date Jan 2, 2024
Publicly Available Date Jan 2, 2024
Journal BMJ
Print ISSN 0959-8138
Electronic ISSN 1756-1833
Publisher BMJ Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 383
Article Number e075219
Public URL


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