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Major incident and "high risk" simulation: How should we do it..?

Newton, Jon


Jon Newton


Simon Kersey

Dan Freshwater-Turner
Project Member

Christian Cooper
Project Member

Hilary Thurling
Project Member


As part of the 2023 Regional Trauma Care Conference, a 40 minute presentation will be provided to demonstrate an array of best-practice recommendations for delivering major incident and high-risk simulation within clinical and educational settings. An expert panel have been recruited to deliver this discussion-based workshop; with the aim of answering the following four questions:

1. How should we create a psychological safe space within major incident and/or high-risk simulation?

2. How do we achieve balance to cater for different learner needs, especially when experience and ability can vary significantly?

3. How can we apply core simulation principles to these large/ high risk simulations (especially around debriefing)?

4. What opportunities/ challenges does technology enhanced learning (TEL) present?

Presentation Conference Type Presentation / Talk
Conference Name The Trauma Care Conference (2023)
Start Date Oct 2, 2023
End Date Oct 3, 2023
Deposit Date Nov 14, 2023
Keywords Major Incident Simulation, Trauma Care, Higher Education
Public URL