Farzad Farzadnia
Developing concept system for robotics open heart surgery
Farzadnia, Farzad; D’Agnano, Fabio; Jorgensen, Tavs
Research interests in the healthcare field have for some time been growing within CFPR. A connection with Dr Muhammad Bilal from UWE’s Big Data Enterprise and Artificial Intelligence Lab is, in particular, developing some promising healthcare research topics where CPFR’s interdisciplinary skills can contribute. Bilal has close connections with Bristol Heart Institute and has gained internal UWE funding for a project titled IVA Heart, which aims to develop a collection of analytical tools to assess and improve the skills of heart surgeons. IVA Heart tools are based on the use of advanced, new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Virtual Reality and Robotics.
CFPR has been involved in the concept creation of some of these tools and during an IVA Heart workshop on the 15th of September CFPR demonstrated a concept prototype for using a new generation of Collaborative Robotic Arms (Cobots) to undertake complex stitching procedures during open heart surgery. The Cobot used by the CFPR team for this demonstrator system have integrated machine vision which enable the robot to monitor its own activities and respond to changing environments. The research vison is to develop a hybrid robotic system that can collaborate with human surgeons in situations where the robot, enhanced with AI and machine learning capabilities, can carry out tasks that might be challenging with conventional human skills. Massimo Caputo and Hunaid Vohra, two leading surgeons from Bristol Heart Institute, were among the participants at the IVA Heart workshop who attended the demonstration of CFPR’s new concept system. The CFPR team working on this area research include Research Associate Farzad Farzadnia and Associate Professors Fabio D’Agnano and Dr Tavs Jorgensen.
Digital Artefact Type | Website Content |
Acceptance Date | Sep 1, 2022 |
Online Publication Date | Sep 1, 2022 |
Deposit Date | Feb 4, 2023 |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/10431233 |
Related Public URLs | https://cfpr.uwe.ac.uk/about/ |
External URL | https://cfpr.uwe.ac.uk/cfpr-developing-concept-system-for-robotics-open-heart-surgery/?utm_campaign=13557757_CFPR%20Autumn%202022%20newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Dotmailer%20-%20General%20account&dm_i=1HO4,82L8D,9EE28Q,X19T8,1 |
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