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Role of nitric oxide in regulating stomatal apertures

Wilson, Ian D.; Ribeiro, Dimas M.; Bright, Jo; Confraria, Ana; Harrison, Judith; Barros, Raimundo S.; Desikan, Radhika; Neill, Steven; Hancock, John T.


Dimas M. Ribeiro

Jo Bright

Ana Confraria

Judith Harrison

Raimundo S. Barros

Radhika Desikan

Steven Neill

Profile image of John Hancock

John Hancock
Professor in Cell Signalling


During stomatal closure, nitric oxide (NO) operates as one of the key intermediates in the complex, abscisic acid (ABA)-mediated, guard cell signaling network that regulates this process. However, data concerning the role of NO in stomatal closure that occurs in turgid vs. dehydrated plants is limited. The data presented demonstrate that, while there is a requirement for NO during the ABA-induced stomatal closure of turgid leaves, such a requirement does not exist for ABA-enhanced stomatal closure observed to occur during conditions of rapid dehydration. The data also indicate that the ABA signaling pathway must be both functional and to some degree activated for guard cell NO signaling to occur. These observations are in line with the idea that the effects of NO in guard cells are mediated via a Ca2+-dependent rather than a Ca2+-independent ABA signaling pathway. It appears that there is a role for NO in the fine tuning of the stomatal apertures of turgid leaves that occurs in response to fluctuations in the prevailing environment.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jan 1, 2009
Journal Plant Signaling and Behavior
Print ISSN 1559-2316
Electronic ISSN 1559-2324
Publisher Taylor & Francis
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 4
Issue 5
Pages 467-469
Public URL
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