Farhad Analoui
Public sector managers and entrepreneurship in Islamic Republic of Iran
Analoui, Farhad; Moghimi, Seyed Mohmmad; Khanifar, Hossein; Mitra, Amit
Seyed Mohmmad Moghimi
Hossein Khanifar
Amit Mitra Amit.Mitra@uwe.ac.uk
Associate Professor in Strategy & Operations Management
Purpose - In Iran the role of entrepreneurs in developing communities is considered to be a special issue by planners and policy-makers; thus the aim of this paper is to explore and examine some of the main structural, behavioural and environmental barriers faced by entrepreneurs in Iranian public industrial corporations. Design/methodology/approach - A survey (questionnaires and interviews), observation and available documentation formed the main methods (triangulation) for the generation of relevant data. Thirteen public organisations responsible for social affairs in the country's budget document were involved. Using an unlimited sampling formula and a categorised random sampling method 220 organisations were accessed, from which 169 questionnaires were received and analysed. Findings - There is a direct relationship between managerial characteristics and organisational entrepreneurship. Also, there is a significant correlation between employees' characteristics and organisational entrepreneurship in public social cultural organisations. However, a host of constraints such as low income and a lack of research have caused a decrease in organisational entrepreneurship. Research limitations/implications - The survey is concerned with managers in public organisations. Future studies should include private-sector organisations, which ought to provide a basis for comparative analysis. Practical implications - There is a need for sustained structural and managerial reform. To achieve this, realistic human resource development policies should be formulated which lead to changes of attitude and behaviour in managers. Originality/value - This is a first attempt to study managers and their entrepreneurial tendencies in public sector organisations. It has policy implications for future development of the sector. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Journal Article Type | Article |
Publication Date | Jun 12, 2009 |
Journal | Journal of Management Development |
Print ISSN | 0262-1711 |
Publisher | Emerald |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 28 |
Issue | 6 |
Pages | 522-532 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.1108/02621710910959684 |
Keywords | communications technologies, public sector organisations, private sector organisations, government, worldwide web, partnership |
Public URL | https://uwe-repository.worktribe.com/output/1004521 |
Publisher URL | http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/02621710910959684 |
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