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Outputs (4)

Evaluation of the feasibility and acceptability of an integrative group psychological intervention for people with Multiple Sclerosis: A study protocol (2023)
Journal Article

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is characterised by significant symptom diversity and complexity. The unpredictability of the symptoms and the emotional and cognitive facets of the disease have a significant impact on the patients' quality of life, relations... Read More about Evaluation of the feasibility and acceptability of an integrative group psychological intervention for people with Multiple Sclerosis: A study protocol.

Patient and public involvement in chronic conditions psychotherapy research: Developing a patient–centred psychological intervention for people with multiple sclerosis (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Psychological interventions for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) mainly adhere to the principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness. Adopting these generic models for the care of people with MS places them in t... Read More about Patient and public involvement in chronic conditions psychotherapy research: Developing a patient–centred psychological intervention for people with multiple sclerosis.

Client–led research and intervention development: Exploring people with Multiple Sclerosis’ experiences of psychological therapies (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

There is a high prevalence of anxiety and depression among people with Multiple Sclerosis. Therapeutic modalities have been proven effective on the management of stress, anxiety, fatigue, sleep disturbances, with Cognitive Behaviour The... Read More about Client–led research and intervention development: Exploring people with Multiple Sclerosis’ experiences of psychological therapies.