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Outputs (4)

Keeping children safe: A multicentre programme of research to increase the evidence base for preventing unintentional injuries in the home in the under-fives (2017)
Journal Article


Unintentional injuries among 0- to 4-year-olds are a major public health problem incurring substantial NHS, individual and societal costs. However, evidence on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of preventative interventions is la... Read More about Keeping children safe: A multicentre programme of research to increase the evidence base for preventing unintentional injuries in the home in the under-fives.

Evaluating implementation of a fireprevention injury prevention briefing in children's centres: Cluster randomised controlled trial (2017)
Journal Article

Many developed countries have high mortality rates for fire-related deaths in children aged 0-14 years with steep social gradients. Evidence-based interventions to promote fire safety practices exist, but the impact of implementing a rang... Read More about Evaluating implementation of a fireprevention injury prevention briefing in children's centres: Cluster randomised controlled trial.

Potential for environmental change at community level to prevent child unintentional injuries in the home: A qualitative study (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Unintentional injury in the home is an important cause of death and disability among young children in Nepal. Reducing home injury hazards by changing the home environment has the potential to prevent home injuries. The aim of this study... Read More about Potential for environmental change at community level to prevent child unintentional injuries in the home: A qualitative study.