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Outputs (69)

Can following body positive or appearance neutral Facebook pages improve young women's body image and mood? Testing novel social media micro-interventions (2023)
Journal Article

Small changes to social media use could have a large impact across the population. The present study tested novel social media micro-interventions (i.e., brief content delivered in everyday life) in which young women (N = 159) were instructed to eith... Read More about Can following body positive or appearance neutral Facebook pages improve young women's body image and mood? Testing novel social media micro-interventions.

Imagery versus captions: The effect of body positive Instagram content on young women's mood and body image (2022)
Journal Article

Body positive social media content aims to positively impact young women's body image and mood by challenging traditionally narrow beauty ideals. This online experiment investigated the effect of viewing body positive Instagram posts on young women's... Read More about Imagery versus captions: The effect of body positive Instagram content on young women's mood and body image.

Exploring teachers’ perceptions of promoting acceptance of diverse appearances in primary school children (4-11 years) (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Objectives and design: Research suggests children can begin judging others based on their appearance as early as 4 years old. Stigma towards children who have a diverse appearance (e.g., higher weight, visible difference) can have a negative impact o... Read More about Exploring teachers’ perceptions of promoting acceptance of diverse appearances in primary school children (4-11 years).

The impact of completing body image assessments on adolescents’ body image and engagement in body change strategies: Harmful or harmless? (2021)
Journal Article

Parents and educators have raised concerns that participating in body image research may cause or increase poor body image and engagement in body change strategies. This quasi-experimental study compared body image and body change strategy outcomes a... Read More about The impact of completing body image assessments on adolescents’ body image and engagement in body change strategies: Harmful or harmless?.

Clinically significant body dissatisfaction: Prevalence and association with depressive symptoms in adolescent boys and girls (2021)
Journal Article

Body dissatisfaction is distressing and a risk factor for adverse consequences including eating disorders. However, data pertaining to the prevalence of body dissatisfaction in adolescence, a key period for its emergence, are lacking. This is a subst... Read More about Clinically significant body dissatisfaction: Prevalence and association with depressive symptoms in adolescent boys and girls.

Motivations for social media use: Associations with social media engagement and body satisfaction and well-being among adolescents (2021)
Journal Article

Adolescents are spending considerable time on social media, yet it is unclear whether motivations for social media use drive different forms of social media engagement, and their relationships with body satisfaction and well-being. This study tested... Read More about Motivations for social media use: Associations with social media engagement and body satisfaction and well-being among adolescents.

Children’s attitudes and friendship behaviours towards socially stigmatised appearances: Do attitudes vary according to type of difference? (2021)
Journal Article

Appearance-based stereotyping and stigma emerge in early childhood and can exist by the age of 4 years. Children from stigmatized groups (e.g., higher weight and visible difference) are at increased risk of experiencing judgment and unwanted behavior... Read More about Children’s attitudes and friendship behaviours towards socially stigmatised appearances: Do attitudes vary according to type of difference?.

Body dissatisfaction predicts the onset of depression among adolescent females and males: A prospective study (2020)
Journal Article

Rationale: Body dissatisfaction is prevalent in mid-adolescence and may be associated with the onset of depression. Objective: The study assessed the influence of body dissatisfaction on the occurrence of later depressive episodes in a population-bas... Read More about Body dissatisfaction predicts the onset of depression among adolescent females and males: A prospective study.

Social media, body satisfaction and well-being among adolescents: A mediation model of appearance-ideal internalization and comparison (2020)
Journal Article

Despite adolescents’ prolific use of social media, relationships between social media and body satisfaction and well-being are not yet well understood, especially among boys. This study tested a sociocultural model of body image within the context of... Read More about Social media, body satisfaction and well-being among adolescents: A mediation model of appearance-ideal internalization and comparison.

The effects of fitspiration images on body attributes, mood and eating behaviors: An experimental Ecological Momentary Assessment study in females (2020)
Journal Article

Through an experimental Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) design, we assessed the effects of fitspiration images (relative to neutral) on body image, mood and disordered eating and whether trait body dissatisfaction, thin-ideal internalization an... Read More about The effects of fitspiration images on body attributes, mood and eating behaviors: An experimental Ecological Momentary Assessment study in females.