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Outputs (99)

Changing flood risk: Longer-term flood patterns and generating characteristics in Scotland 1200 to present (2010)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

New maximum recorded river flows on half of Scotland’s largest river systems since 1989 have triggered widespread research and policy interest as to whether extreme floods are becoming more frequent, and in the conditions that generate floods and ‘fl... Read More about Changing flood risk: Longer-term flood patterns and generating characteristics in Scotland 1200 to present.

Predation by Atractosteus tropicus on Bufo marinus and its possible affect on population in a lowland tropical wet rainforest (2010)
Journal Article

Fish predation can affect amphibian populations. Most examples report invasive fish species and their negative effect on specific amphibians. Here we provide an occurrence of natural fish predation by the tropical gar Atractosteus tropicus on the can... Read More about Predation by Atractosteus tropicus on Bufo marinus and its possible affect on population in a lowland tropical wet rainforest.

Geoelectric investigations into sandstone moisture regimes: Implications for rock weathering and the deterioration of San Rock Art in the Golden Gate Reserve, South Africa (2010)
Journal Article

The Clarens sandstone in the Golden Gate Reserve, South Africa, is the canvas for a collection of San (Bushmen) Rock Art, dating from Neolithic times until as recently as 150. years ago. This Rock Art is under threat from human interference but also,... Read More about Geoelectric investigations into sandstone moisture regimes: Implications for rock weathering and the deterioration of San Rock Art in the Golden Gate Reserve, South Africa.