A review of the requirements of rapid prototypes in secondary tooling techniques
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Outputs (2633)
New demands on rapid prototypes in advanced tooling technologies (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
A computational model for glass container forming processes (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Enhanced strain elements in adaptive solutions for incompressible forming processes (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
An electromagnetic imaging system for remote sign language communication (1999)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
The technique described in this paper is concerned with the provision of a sign language emulator driven by an array of electromagnetic sensors integrated into a pair of data gloves. The objective is to provide a 3D visualization of the signing perfo... Read More about An electromagnetic imaging system for remote sign language communication.
Colonoscopy aided by magnetic 3D imaging: Assessing the routine use of a stiffening sigmoid overtube to speed up the procedure (1999)
Journal Article
There are not enough trained colonoscopists to cope with the present recommended number of examinations required for diagnostic and surveillance purposes. If colorectal cancer screening is to be introduced, endoscopic examination of the large bowel n... Read More about Colonoscopy aided by magnetic 3D imaging: Assessing the routine use of a stiffening sigmoid overtube to speed up the procedure.
Colonoscopy aided by magnetic 3D imaging: Is the technique sufficiently sensitive to detect differences between men and women? (1999)
Journal Article
Colonoscopy tends to be more difficult to perform in women. Women also experience more pain during flexible sigmoidoscopy, and the mean insertion distance of the instrument is less than in men. The `Bladen system', first described in 1993, is a non-r... Read More about Colonoscopy aided by magnetic 3D imaging: Is the technique sufficiently sensitive to detect differences between men and women?.
Foundry shell sand moulding: A tooling opportunity for plastic injection moulding (1998)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Virtual prototyping of radial extruded components (1998)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Simulation of forming of hollow glass containers (1998)
Presentation / Conference Contribution