An improvement in membrane and transverse shear behaviors for one point quadrature shell elements
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Outputs (2633)
Solid-shell element development emphasizing on plasticity applications (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Psychosocial outcomes derived from an acid burned population in Bangladesh, and comparison with Western norms (2006)
Journal Article
Assault by acid burns typically results in severe disfigurement, yet the psychosocial impact of this injury is so far unreported. This study provides the first empirical data using standardised assessment scales, from 44 acid burns survivors in Bangl... Read More about Psychosocial outcomes derived from an acid burned population in Bangladesh, and comparison with Western norms.
A methodology for provably stable behaviour-based intelligent control (2006)
Journal Article
This paper presents a design methodology for a class of behaviour-based control systems, arguing its potential for application to safety critical systems. We propose a formal basis for subsumption architecture design based on two extensions to Lyapun... Read More about A methodology for provably stable behaviour-based intelligent control.
Practice-based learning in information systems: The advantages for students (2006)
Journal Article
Development of a high-performance haptic telemanipulation system with dissimilar kinematics (2006)
Journal Article
This work addresses selected practical issues regarding the development of a telerobotic system for 6-d.o.f. tasks. The system consists of a hyper-redundant 10-d.o.f. haptic input device ViSHaRD10, a redundant 7-d.o.f. manipulator and a stereo vision... Read More about Development of a high-performance haptic telemanipulation system with dissimilar kinematics.
Constraint modelling as a means for understanding the limitations of a design and its performance (2006)
Book Chapter
When new design tasks are undertaken, knowledge of the design area is often ill-understood and the appropriate design rules are unclear. What are more apparent are the constraints which place limits upon the allowable forms of feasible design. This p... Read More about Constraint modelling as a means for understanding the limitations of a design and its performance.
A constraint-based modelling approach, to assess the capability of food processing equipment to handle product variation (2006)
Book Chapter
For design and development engineers, difficulties arise ensuring that existing manufacturing equipment has the potential to handle both large product variation and complexity of process. The food processing industry maintains the highest number of p... Read More about A constraint-based modelling approach, to assess the capability of food processing equipment to handle product variation.
A high performance fuzzy logic architecture for UAV decision making (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
The majority of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in operation today are not truly autonomous, but are instead reliant on a remote human pilot. A high degree of autonomy can provide many advantages in terms of cost, operational resources and safety. Ho... Read More about A high performance fuzzy logic architecture for UAV decision making.
On the response of shock-induced separation bubble to small amplitude disturbances (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Numerical simulations of an oblique shock interacting with a compressible laminar boundary layer are reported. The Mach number ranges from 2 to 6.85, while the Reynolds number based on the distance to the impingement location is fixed at 3 × 105. All... Read More about On the response of shock-induced separation bubble to small amplitude disturbances.