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Outputs (46)

The effect of virtual reality control of a robotic surrogate on presence and social presence in comparison to telecommunications software (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

Telecommunication software is often used to tackle social isolation in those with restricted mobility, but lacks high-level interactions found in face-to-face conversation. This study investigated the use of an immersive control system for a robotic... Read More about The effect of virtual reality control of a robotic surrogate on presence and social presence in comparison to telecommunications software.

Static and temporal differences in social signals between error-free and erroneous situations in human-robot collaboration (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The capability of differentiating error situations from error-free situations in human-robot collaboration is a mandatory skill for collaborative robots. One of the variables that robots can analyse to differentiate both situations are the social sig... Read More about Static and temporal differences in social signals between error-free and erroneous situations in human-robot collaboration.