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Outputs (77)

Ternary nanocomposite potentiates the lysophosphatidic acid effect on human osteoblast (MG63) maturation (2023)
Journal Article

Aim: This study aimed to investigate the potential of ternary nanocomposite (TNC) to support MG63 osteoblast maturation to EB1089-(3S)1-fluoro-3-hydroxy-4-(oleoyloxy)butyl-1-phosphonate (FHBP) cotreatment. Materials & methods: Binary (P25/reduced gra... Read More about Ternary nanocomposite potentiates the lysophosphatidic acid effect on human osteoblast (MG63) maturation.

Putting food in the driver’s seat: Aligning food-systems policy to advance sustainability, health, and security (2023)
Journal Article

Food is a basic need, but seldom a basic policy area. Food systems are widely governed by disconnected policies distributed across a range of sectors including agriculture, education, health, environment, economy, and security. Failure to align food... Read More about Putting food in the driver’s seat: Aligning food-systems policy to advance sustainability, health, and security.

WATER'S SILENT HORMONE MONITORING: A novel electrochemical sensor for on-site detection of estradiol in water (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

The supply of safe drinking water is paramount for the health and well-being of people across the globe. Environmental pollutants such as estradiol (E2) threaten water supplies. Estradiol contamination of water sources is a growing global concern tha... Read More about WATER'S SILENT HORMONE MONITORING: A novel electrochemical sensor for on-site detection of estradiol in water.

Advancing dysphagia-oriented multi-ingredient meal development: Optimising hydrocolloid incorporation in 3D printed nutritious meals (2023)
Journal Article

Dysphagia (DP) is a growing health concern in today's ageing population, leading to high demand for DP-oriented food. 3D printing is a promising novel technology for developing new attractive and appetising products. Therefore, we aimed to develop a... Read More about Advancing dysphagia-oriented multi-ingredient meal development: Optimising hydrocolloid incorporation in 3D printed nutritious meals.

Acceptance and understanding of artificial intelligence in medical research among orthopaedic surgeons (2023)
Journal Article

The principles of evidence-based medicine (EBM) are the foundation of modern medical practice. Surgeons are familiar with the commonly used statistical techniques to test hypoth-eses, summarize findings, and provide answers within a specified range o... Read More about Acceptance and understanding of artificial intelligence in medical research among orthopaedic surgeons.

Characterisation of the UK high energy proton research beamline for high and ultra-high dose rate (FLASH) irradiation (2023)
Journal Article

Objective. This work sets out the capabilities of the high energy proton research beamline developed in the Christie proton therapy centre for Ultra-High Dose Rate (UHDR) irradiation and FLASH experiments. It also characterises the lower limits of UH... Read More about Characterisation of the UK high energy proton research beamline for high and ultra-high dose rate (FLASH) irradiation.