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Outputs (77)

Scoping potential routes to UK civil unrest via the food system: Results of a structured expert elicitation (2023)
Journal Article

We report the results of a structured expert elicitation to identify the most likely types of potential food system disruption scenarios for the UK, focusing on routes to civil unrest. We take a backcasting approach by defining as an end-point a soci... Read More about Scoping potential routes to UK civil unrest via the food system: Results of a structured expert elicitation.

Gut bacteria promote proliferation in benign S/RG/C2 colorectal tumour cells, and promote proliferation, migration and invasion in malignant HCT116 cells (2023)
Journal Article

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a significant global health burden with a rising incidence worldwide. Distinct bacterial populations are associated with CRC development and progression, and it is thought that the relationship between CRC and associated gu... Read More about Gut bacteria promote proliferation in benign S/RG/C2 colorectal tumour cells, and promote proliferation, migration and invasion in malignant HCT116 cells.

Aging in females is associated with changes in respiratory modulation of sympathetic nerve activity and blood pressure (2023)
Journal Article

Sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) is tightly coupled with the respiratory cycle. In healthy human males, respiratory modulation of SNA does not change with age. However, it is unclear how this modulation is affected by age in females. We investigated... Read More about Aging in females is associated with changes in respiratory modulation of sympathetic nerve activity and blood pressure.

New applications of gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for novel sample matrices in the forensic sciences: A literature review (2023)
Journal Article

The investigation of novel sample matrices in the forensic sciences offers several possible advantages, such as allowing for results to be obtained in cases where common sample types are absent. This review focuses on the application of gas chromatog... Read More about New applications of gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for novel sample matrices in the forensic sciences: A literature review.

The therapeutic potential of oxyhydrogen gas in oncology: A study on Epstein–Barr Virus-immortalised B-lymphoblastoid (TK6) cells (2023)
Journal Article

Cancer is a leading cause of mortality worldwide. B-cells are a keystone of the adaptive immune response and are essential for the presentation of tumor-associated antigens to various types of T-cells. Approximately 1.5% of global cancer cases, inclu... Read More about The therapeutic potential of oxyhydrogen gas in oncology: A study on Epstein–Barr Virus-immortalised B-lymphoblastoid (TK6) cells.

Gamification in biomedical science education: The successful implementation of Resimion, a scenario-based learning tool (2023)
Journal Article

Introduction: Scenario-based learning and gamification have many advantages in comparison to traditional didactic teaching methods, including development of many higher-level skills such as analysis and evaluation. It is hoped that these simulations... Read More about Gamification in biomedical science education: The successful implementation of Resimion, a scenario-based learning tool.