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Outputs (37)

The effects of omeprazole on the neuron-like spiking of the electrical potential of proteinoid microspheres (2024)
Journal Article

This study examines a new approach to hybrid neuromorphic devices by studying the impact of omeprazole–proteinoid complexes on Izhikevich neuron models. We investigate the influence of these metabolic structures on five specific patterns of neuronal... Read More about The effects of omeprazole on the neuron-like spiking of the electrical potential of proteinoid microspheres.

Investigation of proteinoid microspheres for cellular nanonetworks based on frequency response (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution

There is a growing interest in proteinoid (thermal proteins) microspheres as a potentially valuable components for creating nano-scale sensing and computing networks. This research aims to investigate how proteinoid microspheres respond to different... Read More about Investigation of proteinoid microspheres for cellular nanonetworks based on frequency response.